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3930 results found
Health topics
… Teens: Tips for Using News and Social Media in a Healthy Way On this page: … to develop habits you didn't mean to. Try these tips for using social media and news in a healthy way. Know your … all the info that comes your way. Track the time you spend using social media or reading news. You can do it with an …
Health topics
… over the mouth and nose can make the inhaler easier to use. Using an MDI with a mask spacer: Helps get the right amount … a pill form. How to help your child use the inhaler Before using a metered-dose inhaler (MDI) with a mask spacer: Talk … knows what medicine to use at what time. You might try using coloured stickers to teach the difference between …
Health topics
… It usually takes many years for the lung damage to start causing symptoms, so COPD is most common in people who are … or how serious your COPD is, quitting smoking can help stop the damage to your lungs. Your doctor can prescribe … to do if this happens. Your doctor may give you an action plan and medicines to help you breathe if you have a …
Health topics
… Hallucinations. Delusions. Thoughts and speech that are confusing. Cognitive symptoms. These symptoms have to do with … important in your life. People who have schizophrenia often stop treatment. This may be because they don't understand … , such as not wanting to do things with others, and have a plan to deal with it and get help right away. If you need …
Health topics
… page: Health Tools Benefits of Breastfeeding Planning to Breastfeed How to Breastfeed Your Health and … latch is painful and frustrating. It causes some women to stop breastfeeding. The steps to get your baby latched on … your nipple. Support and narrow your breast with one hand using a "U hold," with your thumb on the outer side of your …
Health topics
… Children Why Victims Stay How to Help Developing a Safety Plan Legal Protection From Abuse Teen Relationship Abuse … what you do, who you see or talk to, or where you go? Stop you from seeing your friends or family members? Take … and bad times. Part of what makes dating violence so confusing is that there is love mixed with the abuse. This can …
Health topics
… you're ready to make a change that matters to you. You've planned for this change. You have your larger plan and … or stressed. Mindless times, like when you're watching TV, using a computer, or driving. Use of another substance, like … yourself when you do well. Add joy to your life. If you're stopping something or doing less of it, it's normal to also …
Health topics
… the cause of your cirrhosis and what other problems it is causing. Treatment can't cure cirrhosis. But it can sometimes … more liver damage. Do not drink any alcohol. If you don't stop completely, liver damage may quickly get worse. Talk to … These can make symptoms of encephalopathy worse. Liver transplant Receiving a liver from an organ donor (liver …
Health topics
… focus on eating healthy foods and being more active. A stop-smoking medicine can help you gain less weight while … Start a program at the gym, or take up a new sport. Have a plan Keeping control of your weight will be easier if you … at times when you would ordinarily smoke. Consider using a smoking cessation medicine. Tips for avoiding weight …