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Health topics
… Information Overview While working with your doctor to plan a medicine routine for yourself or your child, it may … or affects muscle control. What health risks come with using the medicine? Allergic or toxic reactions in the skin, … carefully compared to other risks to the baby if the mother stops taking her epilepsy medicine. If you are thinking …
Health topics
… is affected by illness Do you and your doctor have a plan for what to do when you're sick ? Yes Diabetes illness … slowly worsening Do you think that a medicine could be causing the nausea or vomiting? Think about whether the nausea … to restore lost fluids and nutrients. After vomiting has stopped for 1 hour, drink 30 mL (1 fl oz) of a clear liquid …
Health topics
… needed for a healthy start. How can you quit? Having a plan and using medicines can help you quit. A quit plan helps you … things to watch for. The first hours or days Soon after you stop smoking, your blood pressure and heart rate will go …
Health topics
… works for you. If you're pregnant, it's best if you can stop smoking right away. If you're pregnant and can't stop … talk to that person about not smoking around you. Make a plan for quitting Find ways to avoid places where others are … such as when you are restless or around others who smoke. Plan how you will handle your cravings during these times. …
Health topics
… as Becolax, Dulcolax, or bisacodyl, may cause diarrhea. Using too much of products that contain sorbitol (such as … is affected by illness Do you and your doctor have a plan for what to do when you're sick ? Yes Diabetes illness … these medicines isn't recommended. To avoid constipation, stop taking the medicine as soon as stools thicken. If your …
Health topics
… Worse Side Effects of Pain Medicines Following a Treatment Plan When to Call a Doctor Getting Support Related … Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) Opioids Physiotherapy Using Cold and Heat Therapies Knowing When Pain Is Worse … Nausea or vomiting. Constipation. Getting sick if you stop taking the drug. Sleep problems. Loss of sexual desire. …
Health topics
… all. How can you safely start an exercise program? Making a plan for safe activity If you have heart failure, it's … your heart failure worse. Work with your doctor to build a plan before you start exercising. Together you can create a … you're out of breath, have chest pain, or don't feel right, stop exercising. Take a rest. Know when to call for help. …
Health topics
… your mind later, but it's a good idea to start with a plan. Health Tools Health Tools help you make wise health … health conditions. To help protect your fertility: Avoid using tobacco (cigarettes) and cannabis (marijuana). Avoid … with pregnancy. Write down when your period starts and stops for a few months. Bring that information to your …
Health topics
… stress. To get stress under control: Find out what is causing stress in your life. Look for ways to reduce the … thinking. When you find yourself starting to worry, try to stop the thoughts. Or write down your worries and work on … goal: Involve her sister more in caregiving. She also plans to find respite care so she isn't providing all the …
Health topics
… Some ways you can take charge of your asthma include using an asthma action plan, knowing the asthma zones, and working with your … very severe, you may not hear any wheezing. Wheezing will stop when the amount of air moving through the bronchial …