3930 results found
Health topics
… of scalding-hot water. With burns caused by abuse, the explanation for the burn may not match the size, shape, or … of the person's hand equals 1% of the body's surface area. Using the person's palm is a good way to estimate the size … while you arrange to be seen by your doctor. First, stop the burning to prevent a more severe burn. Heat burns …
Health topics
… medical aides are usually part of this team. A treatment plan. It may include a review of the person's symptoms or a … able to ask about their care without this form. A discharge plan. It outlines the care someone needs after they leave … help you both feel a little better. Ask about the discharge plan. It will include things you may want to know. For …
Health topics
… midwife by name, practice or community. Medical Services Plan (MSP) Midwifery services are a benefit under the B.C. … eligible B.C. residents enrolled with the Medical Services Plan (MSP). They are funded by the Ministry of Health. For …
Health topics
… comorbidities. One health problem may lead to another, causing the comorbidity. For example, diabetes can damage the … an active role in managing a health condition. Anxiety: Stop Negative Thoughts Depression: Stop Negative Thoughts … you may want to make decisions about end-of-life care. Planning for the end of your life does not mean that you are …
Health topics
… you would count 3 carbohydrate servings. How to plan your daily amount Your daily amount of carbs depends on … dietitian or certified diabetes educator can help you plan how many carbs to include in each meal and snack. For … you would count 3 carbohydrate servings. How to plan your daily amount Your daily amount of carbs depends on …
Health topics
… to get enough blood to cover the test area on the strip. Stop any bleeding. slide 10 of 11 < Prev Next > slide 10 of 11, Stop any bleeding., If your finger continues to bleed, use a … for patterns and reasons for your blood sugar levels. Try using the memory storage feature of your meter and other …
Health topics
… cleaners, medicines, cosmetics, garden products, and houseplants. If these items are not kept out of reach, your child … a telephone, or some other interruption. Keep household plants out of reach. Many are poisonous if they are chewed … cleaners, furniture polish, and other cleaning products. Alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Windshield washer fluid and …
Health topics
… activities with as little effort as possible. With some planning and a few tips, you can get tasks done more easily … You might want to avoid times when you've just eaten or had alcohol or when it's hot or humid. Clear your lungs … know when you need them to take the more active role. Stop and rest if you have trouble breathing. Talk with your …
Health topics
… dry, try lip balm. But stick with your program. Can I have alcohol? Alcohol can raise your blood pressure, which makes your … want to choose healthier fluids. Ask your doctor how much alcohol, if any, is safe. Do you have any questions or …
Health topics
… to get enough blood to cover the test area on the strip. Stop any bleeding. slide 10 of 11 < Prev Next > slide 10 of 11, Stop any bleeding., If your finger continues to bleed, use a … for patterns and reasons for your blood sugar levels. Try using the memory storage feature of your meter and other …