3930 results found
Health topics
… coronary artery disease. Healthy habits can slow or even stop the disease and improve the quality and length of your … to wonder what you want. And you can spend your time focusing on your relationships. You will need to decide if you … measures if your health gets very bad. An advance care plan is a legal document that tells doctors how to care for …
Health topics
… to keep blood sugar in your target range. Follow your meal plan to know how much carbohydrate you need for meals and … Also ask your doctor to watch you to make sure that you are using it right. Do not use medicine known to raise blood … If you need help quitting, talk to your doctor about stop-smoking programs and medicines. These can increase your …
Health topics
… your child, such as when you need to run errands or have planned an evening out. They are usually paid hourly and … provider Begin your search by asking friends and family and using your local library and the internet. You also may want … facility or home setting that passes your first screening. Plan enough time to take a tour and talk about their …
Health topics
… day—not more and not less. Pacing yourself With pacing, you plan your activities so that you can rest when you need to. … kind of activity you are doing—physical, mental, social—you stop to rest. Have a plan for how long you will do the … that you don't lose track of time. Putting it all together Using these two techniques can be hard to do. When you are …
Health topics
… it can actually help prevent suicide. If your friend has a plan to harm themself or someone else, call 9-1-1 or take … from friends and family. Acting aggressive or angry. Using alcohol or drugs. Going through a stressful experience. This …
Health topics
… things that are not so good for your heart, like sodium, alcohol, and sugar. Stay at a healthy weight. Lose weight if … Active Healthy Muscles Eating healthy foods Developing a Plan for Healthy Eating Healthy Eating for Canadians Quick … Active Healthy Muscles Eating healthy foods Developing a Plan for Healthy Eating Healthy Eating for Canadians Quick …
Health topics
… carbohydrate, and protein in packaged foods. If you drink alcohol, try to drink less. Your risk of harm from alcohol … you have 7 or more drinks per week. If you'd like some help planning meals, a dietitian can help you create a plan that fits your lifestyle. How many daily calories do …
Health topics
… are less important for when you have help. Pace yourself. Plan important activities for times when you have the most energy. Use labour-saving devices. This may mean using a bedside commode or a walker. Switch between rest and … Internal Medicine Kathleen Romito MD - Family Medicine Christopher G. Wood MD, FACS - Urology, Oncology Current as of: …
Health topics
… can agree to or refuse treatment. He or she can also stop treatment on your behalf. To make these decisions, your … decision-maker can use the information in your advance care plan . Your substitute decision-maker can also use … don't have a substitute decision-maker or an advance care plan, you may not get the care you want. Decisions may be …
Health topics
… is diagnosed before it becomes AIDS, medicines can slow or stop the damage to the immune system. If AIDS does develop, … HIV to be transmitted by blood transfusions or organ transplants. The window period After you've been infected, it can … 12 Prevention Safer sex Practice safer sex . This includes using a condom unless you are in a relationship with one …