3929 results found
Health topics
… used in blends labelled as gripe water. In some batches, alcohol is a main ingredient. Ask your baby's doctor before using gripe water. Medicines, such as antispasmodics or … drinks is dangerous. Methods not proven effective include: Stopping breastfeeding. Sometimes people believe that the …
Health topics
… worse pain and cramping in your belly during your period. Using an intrauterine device (IUD) . An IUD may cause worse … 5 to 7 days before period starts or continue after period stops No Cramps begin 5 to 7 days before period starts or … lifestyle , such as eating and exercise habits, smoking, alcohol or drug use, sexual history, and travel. Try Home …
Health topics
… You and your doctor will work together to find a treatment plan that works best for you. What increases your risk? Your … with twins or more. Are age 30 or older. Smoke, drink alcohol, or use drugs. Are very overweight. Had … weight you should gain during pregnancy. Avoid smoking or using tobacco. If you need help quitting, talk to your …
Health topics
… trusted adult. Work with your child to make a media-use plan. It's important to get your child's input on a plan. Kids are more likely to obey the rules if they feel … internet use with their children when they're young but stop as they get older. Teens need guidance too. Show an …
Health topics
… I can do right now, but I think something needs to change." Planning for a Change That Matters : "I know what hasn't … And I've come too far to go back now." Alcohol: Drinking and Your Health Drug Use and Your Health … I can do right now, but I think something needs to change." Planning for a Change That Matters : "I know what hasn't …
Health topics
… the focus on eating healthy when you're home a lot more. Plan meals ahead of time. Planning your meals takes the guesswork out of "what's for … with other people. If you like cooking and baking, don't stop! Divvy up what you've made, and keep only what you want …
Health topics
… right away can help prevent suicide. Warning signs include: Planning to hurt yourself or someone else. Talking or … be used for killing yourself. Taking a lot of drugs or alcohol. Feeling like you're not in control of your … supportive and caring. Find out if he or she has a specific plan about suicide. Remove things that could be used for …
Health topics
… Think about whether a medical or mental health problem is causing you to sleep poorly. Treating a long-term sleep … through the nose and mouth is blocked, breathing may stop for 10 seconds or longer. People who have sleep apnea … may be causing sleep problem Do you think that the use of alcohol, caffeine, or illegal drugs may be causing your …
Health topics
… Overview Medicines may stop a cluster headache after it starts or prevent more … doctor determine the proper medicine. You can keep track by using a headache diary. When a cluster headache occurs, it … cluster headaches. They can have harmful side effects. To stop a cluster headache Treatments most often used to stop …
Health topics
… than 2 hours) on a regular basis, feeling like you can't stop eating, feeling upset after binge eating, and eating … recovery from an eating disorder. Stick to your treatment plan. Go to any counselling sessions you have. If you can't … what makes a healthy and balanced diet, and then make a plan for your own healthy eating. Learn healthy ways to deal …