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3929 results found
Health topics
… a lot of coffee Smoking or chewing tobacco Drinking alcohol Yelling at your spouse, children, or friends Taking a recreational drug, or misusing prescription medicine Avoiding family and friends … relaxation Making and following through with an action plan to solve your problems Seeking counselling if you …
Health topics
… enjoy eating out and still have a healthy diet. Key points Plan ahead. Before you go out to eat, think about where you … so drink lots of water. And don't drink a lot of alcohol, because alcohol can also dehydrate you. How can you … enjoy eating out and still have a healthy diet. Key points Plan ahead. Before you go out to eat, think about where you …
Health topics
… What is sleep apnea? Sleep apnea means that breathing stops for short periods during sleep. When you stop … sleep study . You may have other tests to find out what's causing sleep apnea. How is sleep apnea treated? Some … weight if needed, sleeping on your side, and avoiding alcohol and medicines like sedatives before bed. Sleep apnea …
Health topics
… with a stressful situation. Eating to soothe your feelings. Using food as a reward. (For example, "That was really a … What are some tips for avoiding emotional eating? Having a plan can help you deal with your emotions without using … Eating Healthy Eating: Recognizing Your Hunger Signals Stop Negative Thoughts: Getting Started Weight Management …
Health topics
… and lifting weights can make your bones stronger. Limit alcohol. Osteoporosis Canada recommends drinking no more … If you need help quitting, talk to your doctor about stop-smoking programs and medicines. These can increase your … If you need help quitting, talk to your doctor about stop-smoking programs and medicines. These can increase your …
Health topics
… prescription medicine that can either prevent a migraine or stop a migraine after it has started. If you get bad … to start. Examples of triggers include certain foods, alcohol, and stress. How are migraines treated? If your … how painful they are, and what you think might be causing them. Have a healthy lifestyle. Exercise regularly, …
Health topics
… the best way to reduce them is to find out what's causing them. Then you can make changes in those areas. Where … stronger pain medicine if over-the-counter drugs don't stop your headaches. You may want to try medicine to prevent getting a headache if: You use medicines to stop your headaches more than 3 times a week. Medicines to …
Health topics
… or injury during or before birth or by the use of drugs and alcohol during pregnancy. After a child is born, a head … disability treated? A learning disability is treated by using educational tools. Medicines and counselling usually aren't used. For most children, a learning plan, such as an Individualized Education Program (IEP) will …
Health topics
… events. Do this throughout the day. For example, when you plan to go grocery shopping, make sure your child knows that … in helping a child behave and function well. But if parents stop using the techniques, problem behaviour most often returns. …
Health topics
… urination problems caused by an enlarged prostate. If you stop using medicine, the symptoms will probably return. Medicine … study. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 83(9): 1002–1010. Kaplan SA, et al. (2006). Tolterodine and tamsulosin for …