3929 results found
Health topics
… healthy eating, regular exercise, and cutting back on alcohol and caffeine. If these changes don't help to relieve … ovulate. This can help you find patterns in your cycle and plan ahead to better cope with symptoms. Practice healthy … treatment and lifestyle changes, talk to your doctor about using medicine. Commonly used medicines include: …
Health topics
… that can help. Get help. If your diet guidelines are confusing or hard to follow, talk to your doctor. Or you may … the medicines you take. A dietitian can design an eating plan just for you and can teach you how to follow it. Find … whole grains. Limit salt, fat, and added sugar. Avoid alcohol, or drink only in moderation. …
Health topics
… your two treatment choices are dialysis and a kidney transplant. Dialysis is a process that filters wastes from your … have successful kidney transplants. Others live for years using dialysis. Some people choose not to treat their kidney … is right for you. Do not smoke or use tobacco. Limit alcohol. Some medicines can hurt your kidneys. Always talk …
Health topics
… body Ask someone to help with daily chores If possible, stop work early Muscle cramps in legs, especially at night … a warm, relaxing bath Eating a snack with a warm drink Using extra pillows for support Practicing deep breathing … and thin your cervix in preparation for labour. If you plan to give birth in a hospital, this is a good time to: …
Health topics
… weight. Making realistic goals and creating a long-term plan with your doctor can help you improve your health. This … Obesity Screening for Weight Problems Weight Management: Stop Negative Thoughts Choosing a Weight-Loss Program …
Health topics
… that you get a VAD if: You are waiting for a heart transplant. Your heart needs long-term help to pump blood. Your … may be used to help people who are waiting for a heart transplant. In some cases, VADs can be used long-term along with … A ventricular assist device (VAD) used before a heart transplant can help people live until they receive the …
Health topics
… you to succeed. You can decide who you want to share your plans for change with. How can your family and friends help … your family eats, ask them to eat a meal from your food plan once a week. If they see that this is as tasty as the … it or that it bothers you. If you need to, ask them to stop doing this. You also can ask them why they are behaving …
Health topics
… or sedatives can affect your balance. Limit the amount of alcohol you drink. Alcohol can impair your balance and other … can work with you to prevent falls and make a plan for what you can do if you do fall. Take extra care if … hands free. When you go outdoors, keep your hands free by using a cross-body shoulder bag, a fanny pack, or a …
Health topics
… ideas you can try. Get organized. Find a daily organizer or planner that fits your needs. Write notes in your organizer … area so that there are fewer distractions. You may find using headphones or a "white noise" machine helpful. If … a quiet living situation, such as a single dormitory room. Stop and think. If you are impulsive, train yourself to stop …
Health topics
… buy a gun or stockpile medicines. Increasing their use of alcohol or drugs. Withdrawing from family, friends, and … can you help someone who is suicidal? If the person has a plan to harm themself or someone else, call 9-1-1 Where to … can you help someone who is suicidal? If the person has a plan to harm themself or someone else, call 9-1-1 Where to …