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1448 results found
Health topics
… Or, decide to eat more fruits and worry about other foods later. Making one change at a time. Rather than … to your diet instead of taking something away. Add foods that you think you need more of, like fruits and … vegetables. Taking things out of your diet (for example, foods that are high in fat or sugar) may leave you feeling …
Health topics
… fat. Before you order, find out how the food is prepared. Foods that are broiled, poached, grilled, baked, or steamed tend to be lower in fat than foods that are fried. Limit foods that are breaded or that come with cream sauce or …
Health topics
… your child from choking by offering the right kinds of foods and watching for choking hazards. Food To prevent … when you select and prepare food. Do not give round, firm foods to children younger than age 4 unless the food is chopped completely. Foods that can be choking hazards include: Seeds (for …
Health topics
… and may help relieve your jaw pain. Avoid hard or chewy foods (such as popcorn, jerky, tough meats, chewy breads, … that cause your jaws to work overtime. Choose softer foods that are easy to chew, such as eggs, casseroles, … and may help relieve your jaw pain. Avoid hard or chewy foods (such as popcorn, jerky, tough meats, chewy breads, …
Health topics
… and eat meals. But eating regularly and eating healthy foods is important. That's because food: Provides your body … making changes in what you eat. Make eating easier. Choose foods that are easy to prepare. Eat in a relaxed setting. … bloating that makes it hard to breathe, limit the amount of foods you eat that cause gas. These foods include onions, …
Health topics
… botulism can be caused by eating contaminated home-canned foods that have a low acid content, such as asparagus, green … examination and ask you questions about your symptoms and foods you have recently eaten. The best way to be sure of … it? Food-borne botulism often comes from home-canned foods. You can prevent botulism by following strict …
Health topics
… that regularly eat meals together tend to eat healthier foods and be closer to a healthy weight than those who … on everyone's part. It may mean eating less of some foods and more of others. If what you eat is different from … kitchen may help you stay with your eating plan. Put away foods that you don't want to eat so that they are out of …
Health topics
Health topics
… allergist . This type of doctor can do tests to find what foods you're allergic to. How is eosinophilic esophagitis … and know your food allergens , you can simply avoid those foods. If not, your doctor may suggest one of these diets: Cutting out foods that are known to cause eosinophilic esophagitis. That …
Health topics
… you won't be as tempted to buy less healthy ready-to-eat foods, such as candy, chips, or fast food, to satisfy your … Buy smart, and be realistic. Include some healthy snack foods and special treats on your shopping list. Remember to include some healthy convenience foods, such as cut-up, bagged, fresh vegetables or …