3989 results found
Health topics
… Overview Amblyopia is a childhood problem that happens when one eye is weaker than the other. The brain chooses to … it is important to keep the patch on. Schedule the times when your child will wear the patch. It may be possible to … of the patch. Reward your child. Consider giving rewards when your child wears the patch without complaints or …
Health topics
… to smoke. You have an important reason for leaving. When you cannot remove yourself from a difficult situation, or when the temptation to smoke is triggered by something other … reading, or working a puzzle. Take a hot bath or shower. When you are tempted or have the strong urge to smoke: Try …
Health topics
… is too low. In general, low blood pressure symptoms happen when blood pressure is less than 90/60. What causes it? Some … Watch for symptoms of low blood pressure. Tell your doctor when the symptoms happen so they can be treated. How is it … Often people learn that they have low blood pressure when their doctor checks it. Or you may find that you have …
Health topics
… tears, so you have less burning, dryness, and itching when you wake up in the morning. The ointment may blur your … factor (SPF) of 30 or higher. Use it every day, even when it is cloudy. Use a vaporizer or humidifier to add … reducer, such as Pepcid AC (famotidine) or (cimetidine), when needed to reduce heartburn. Be careful when you take …
Health topics
… are the symptoms? Symptoms of a broken toe may include pain when you move your toe. You may have noticed a snap or pop … Try to do this every 1 to 2 hours for the next 3 days (when you are awake) or until the swelling goes down. Put a … the ice and your skin. Prop up your foot on a pillow when you ice it or anytime you sit or lie down. Try to keep …
Health topics
… most benefit from your medicine. Antidepressants work best when you take them exactly as your doctor prescribes them. … of water? What to do if you miss a dose. Should you take it when you remember, or should you wait for the next dose? When you pick up your medicine at the drugstore, read the …
Health topics
… that your kidneys may no longer be able to keep you alive. When your kidneys get to the point where they can no longer … in your treatment. Blood tests measure: Levels of waste products and electrolytes in your blood that should be removed … remedies, prescription drugs, and natural health products. Anemia of Chronic Kidney Disease …
Health topics
… life. That's why it's important to be an active patient. When you're actively involved in decisions about your care, … Here are some tips for following up on tests. Find out when you can expect the results. Ask what number you can … to check on your results. If you don't get your results when you expect to, call the number you were given. If your …
Health topics
… some point before or after menopause . Hot flashes happen when estrogen levels drop. You may have few to no hot … or reduce hot flashes. Others can make you more comfortable when you're having a hot flash. Eat and drink well. Limit … disease. Breast cancer. Dementia. Risk varies based on when you start HT in menopause and how long you take it. …
Health topics
… you take medicine. Pain medicine works best if you use it when you first notice pain, before it becomes bad. You are … helps to write things down in a pain diary. Write down when your pain starts, what it feels like, and how long it … Write down what makes your pain better or worse. Note when you used a treatment, how well it worked, and any side …