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Health topics
… or snows. He weighs 14 kilograms (30 pounds) less than when he had the heart attack. Although Bob started being … said, 'It's about time you lose weight,'" Bob says. "That's when I got my bike." Finding an activity he enjoys Bob says … rides. He says his weight creeps up during the cold months. When he takes time off his bike for holidays, he's anxious …
Health topics
… in the same direction at the same time. Strabismus occurs when the eye muscles don't work properly to control eye movement. When the eye muscles don't work as they should, the eyes may … it tends to run in families. Sometimes strabismus develops when the eyes compensate for other vision problems, such as …
Health topics
… in the spinal cord and other parts of the body. Topical use When you apply capsaicin cream, gel, lotion, or ointment to … gloves to handle hot peppers or to apply topical products that contain capsaicin. Do not apply topical products that contain capsaicin to areas of broken skin. The …
Health topics
… has challenges in life that he or she needs help with. When you're dealing with depression, it can be hard to … or did. Tell them that how you are acting is what happens when people have depression. Make sure they know that you … understand. If you feel they will understand, explain that when a person has depression, they may feel so bad that they …
Health topics
… in a SLAP injury . What causes it? A shoulder SLAP tear is when the labrum frays or tears because of an injury. You may … Popping, clicking, or catching in the shoulder. Pain when you move your arm over your head or throw a ball. The … is injected into your shoulder before you have an MRI scan. When a dye is used, the test is called an MRI arthrogram. …
Health topics
… a regular nap schedule, even on weekends (if possible). When your day is very busy and naps are missed, your toddler … at night to feed can become a habit that lingers even when your toddler no longer needs it. … Healthy sleep habits …
Health topics
… metabolic rate (BMR) , which is how much energy you burn when you are at rest. If you have a lower BMR, it is easier … of food. Appetite can override hunger and satiety, such as when you continue to eat even after you feel full. You can … or environment. Your set point adjusts to a new level when it is maintained over time and can be altered by …
Health topics
… air pressure in your throat to keep your airway open. When you have sleep apnea, this can help you sleep better, … treat sleep apnea. If you use CPAP, you may: Be less sleepy when you wake up. Have lower blood pressure. Have a lower … life. If you have a bed partner, they may also sleep better when you use CPAP. Side Effects Some people who use CPAP …
Health topics
… may come and go and can cause pain and discomfort. But when it happens for weeks, months, or years, you may have … This can help retrain your pelvic floor muscles to know when to relax and when to push. Constipation, Age 12 and …
Health topics
… than the maximum dose recommended on the label. Be careful when giving your child over-the-counter cold or flu … Too much acetaminophen can be harmful. Acetaminophen products include chewable tablets, syrup, and rectal … for one. Acetaminophen and ibuprofen are different products with different dosing recommendations. Talk to your …