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Health topics
… Basics What are seasonal allergies? Allergies occur when your body's defence system (immune system) overreacts … you have tests to help find the cause of your allergies. When you know what things trigger your symptoms, you can … and car windows closed. Limit the time you spend outside when pollen counts are high (during midday and afternoon). …
Health topics
… after the birth. Why is an episiotomy done? There are times when an episiotomy is needed. For example, it may be needed … might support your perineum with their hand or a warm cloth when your baby is being born. What can you expect as you … on how deep and long the cut or tear is. You may have pain when you sit, walk, urinate, or have bowel movements. The …
Health topics
… more than normal and feelings of anxiety or fright. When you think of a difficult task (like a test, a game, a … to practise building your own resilience. Don’t give up when it gets hard or when you fail at some aspect of parenting. Don’t tell …
Health topics
… family, friends, and others. They can also make you safer when you drive or when you work around your home. Hearing aids may help with … ears. Sometimes your hearing aids will make a buzzing noise when you use a cell phone. This noise can be annoying, and …
Health topics
… around them can help you reach your healthy eating goals. When you hit a barrier, get support—from your family, … even trying to change a habit. Other barriers pop up later. When you hit a barrier—and most people do—get support. Talk … to make a lifestyle change. But it can also crop up on days when you feel discouraged. Possible solutions: Carefully …
Health topics
… at times. Learn the best way to talk with your loved one. When a loved one has PTSD, communication can be hard. These … and have your own support system. Dealing with anger When a loved one has PTSD, he or she may feel angry about … either of you can call a time-out at any time. Agree that when someone calls a time-out, the discussion must stop …
Health topics
… makes you feel drowsy, do not drive or operate machinery when you are taking it. During health examinations, tell … dizziness, and nausea. These side effects will go away when you stop taking the supplement. … makes you feel drowsy, do not drive or operate machinery when you are taking it. During health examinations, tell …
Health topics
… carpal tunnel syndrome worse. Think about these guidelines when you use a wrist splint: When worn to stabilize the wrist during sleep, a wrist … carpal tunnel syndrome worse. Think about these guidelines when you use a wrist splint: When worn to stabilize the …
Health topics
… It reduces the physical or emotional distress you feel when confronted with a particular object, situation, or … Using these techniques helps you keep a sense of control when you are confronted with the feared object, situation, … It reduces the physical or emotional distress you feel when confronted with a particular object, situation, or …
Health topics
… sores. They have no symptoms. You may not get cold sores when you are first infected with the herpes simplex virus (HSV). If cold sores do form when you are first infected, they may be more severe than in … (flu). Always use lip balm and sunscreen on your face. When you have a cold sore, wash your hands often. Try not to …