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Health topics
… you should treat both to prevent reinfecting your groin when you put on your underwear. (Putting your socks on … socks, and towels after each use. Wear shower shoes when you use public showers and locker rooms. If you have … If you keep getting athlete's foot, dry your feet last when you towel off after a shower or bath. This can help …
Health topics
… and partially relieve pain. But they aren't usually used when you are close to delivery, because they can affect a … give yourself nitrous oxide through a mouthpiece or mask when you need pain relief during labour. You can decide when to use it. What are the risks? Pain relief options for …
Health topics
… of stress in your lives Acknowledge your child's feelings. When children seem sad or scared, for example, tell them you … you can. But offer to help and be available to your child when he or she needs you. Show love , warmth, and care. Hug … Invite your child to talk, laugh, cry, and express anger when he or she needs to. Do something fun. A hobby can help …
Health topics
… a meal, the stomach normally empties in 1½ to 2 hours. When you have gastroparesis, your stomach takes a lot longer … stuck in the stomach. What causes it? Gastroparesis occurs when the nerves or muscles to the stomach are damaged or … can take longer to digest, which can make it harder to know when insulin will work after eating. This can lead to high …
Health topics
… partnership between you and your doctor is important. When you have many doctors, think of them as part of your … the doctor is well-trained and experienced, available when needed, and willing to work with you as a partner. … does the doctor work with? Who fills in for the doctor when he or she isn't available? What types of patients does …
Health topics
… to use quick-acting nitroglycerin Your doctor will tell you when to use your nitroglycerin. You may need to take it to … is past the expiration date. Nitroglycerin can get old. And when it is old, it may not work. If your nitroglycerin … nitroglycerin side effects. You may get a headache when you use nitroglycerin. Or you may feel burning or …
Health topics
… With Emotions and Fears On this page: Overview Overview When you have cancer, you may have a lot of different … Let your feelings out. Talk, laugh, cry, and express anger when you need to. Get support. You can find support from the … than a threat. Examine how and why you feel the way you do when things change. Expect things to work out. You can't …
Health topics
… You may have briefly felt the effects of low blood sugar when you've gotten really hungry or exercised hard without … or hypoglycemia , can also be an ongoing problem. It occurs when the level of sugar in your blood drops too low to give … much during the night that your pajamas or sheets are damp when you wake up. How is hypoglycemia diagnosed? To diagnose …
Health topics
… vessels throughout the body. Diabetic retinopathy happens when high blood sugar damages the blood vessels of the … is the middle of the retina, which lets you see details. When it swells, it can make your vision much worse. It can … types of medicine can help to shrink new blood vessels when diabetic retinopathy is advanced. Surgical removal of …
Health topics
… smell, texture, and colour of your food. Take your time when you eat. Avoid distractions, such as screens or books, … to sample food while cooking. Don't eat unplanned snacks. When you're tempted to snack at times that you didn't plan … They add a lot of calories. Try a different activity. When you feel the urge to have an unplanned snack, try an …