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Health topics
… be caused by bacteria, yeast, or other organisms. Bath products, douches, and spermicides also can irritate the vagina … or HIV infection. Bacterial vaginosis. This happens when some of the bacteria normally found in the vagina are … Do not use feminine deodorant sprays or other perfumed products in or around your vagina. Wash your vulva daily with …
Health topics
… may be moist and noisy. Breathing changes commonly occur when you are weak, and normal secretions in your airways and … be harder to wake up. You may enter a stage called a coma, when you do not wake up or respond at all. When you are in a coma, all physical needs (such as bathing, …
Health topics
… crawl out the rectum and lay eggs around the child's anus. When the worms lay eggs, it can cause itching. If the child … furniture. The eggs can live 2 to 3 weeks outside the body. When you touch something the child has touched, the eggs get … don't have symptoms and don't know that they're infected. When symptoms occur, the most common ones are: Itching …
Health topics
… muscles. Fitness machines can be great for exercising when the weather is bad or days are short. You may also like … Buying a fitness machine Advertising for fitness products often promises large gains with little effort. This is … about whether you really need a fitness machine. Many products promise to help tone and develop muscles in the belly, …
Health topics
… optimist" to use the power of optimism. In daily life, or when faced with a crisis, you can choose a positive … can plan ahead with the right people before the surgery. When practicing optimism, remember to keep a flexible frame … be ready to adjust to it. How can you practice optimism? Whenever you're having trouble with thinking negative …
Health topics
… to your vagina. If you have sex more than one time when the diaphragm is in place, apply more spermicide each … 2 years. How well does it work? In the first year of use: When the diaphragm with spermicide is used exactly as … who use it will have an unplanned pregnancy. footnote 1 When it is not used exactly as directed , it is about 83% …
Health topics
… for choking hazards. Food To prevent choking, use care when you select and prepare food. Do not give round, firm … riding in a car, or playing. Don't force your child to eat when they aren't hungry. Know the kinds of foods that can be … in the throat of a young child. Look for age guidelines when selecting toys. Do not let your child play with a toy …
Health topics
… possible to avoid strangulation. Surgery may be scheduled when it is convenient if strangulation does not appear … and are not causing discomfort or pain can be repaired when it is convenient. In some cases small, painless hernias … possible to avoid strangulation. Surgery may be scheduled when it is convenient if strangulation does not appear …
Health topics
… bleeding in the esophagus. Variceal bleeding occurs when pressure increases in the portal vein system and the … vein. Over time this causes the vein to close off and scar. When the vein is closed off, blood cannot flow through it. … bleeding in the esophagus. Variceal bleeding occurs when pressure increases in the portal vein system and the …
Health topics
… caused by an overuse injury. An overuse injury can happen when a child uses one part of their body in the same way … body. Children or their parents may not be able to remember when the back problem started or to recall an injury or … caused by an overuse injury. An overuse injury can happen when a child uses one part of their body in the same way …