3989 results found
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… mother. The baby's body gets used to the drug. After birth, when the drug starts to leave the body, the baby goes … the doctor know what drugs you took, how much you took, and when you took them. This can help the doctor give your baby … times, especially if your baby cries no matter what you do. When this happens, maybe you could ask a family member or …
Health topics
… the sutures harden and close the skull bones together. When a baby has craniosynostosis, one or more of these … she is in the hospital may help you feel more comfortable when you take your baby home. You'll need to know how to … aren't common. It's normal to feel a wide range of emotions when your child has a problem like craniosynostosis. …
Health topics
… may also damage the tiny air sacs (alveoli) in the lung. When these air sacs break down, larger airspaces known as … damaged after the surgery. The best surgical results happen when there is only one bulla or only a few that are all … may also damage the tiny air sacs (alveoli) in the lung. When these air sacs break down, larger airspaces known as …
Health topics
… after surgery. Why It Is Done A tonsillectomy may be done when: A person has tonsillitis that does not get better or … risk after a tonsillectomy. This is common, especially when the healed scab over the cut area falls off. Less … after surgery. Why It Is Done A tonsillectomy may be done when: A person has tonsillitis that does not get better or …
Health topics
… is a substance released by cancer cells or by normal cells when cancer is in the body. Tumour markers can be hormones, … most effective treatment. They also can be used to predict when to start treatment again. Low or no levels of tumour … is a substance released by cancer cells or by normal cells when cancer is in the body. Tumour markers can be hormones, …
Health topics
… a short time, such as after surgery, or for long-term pain when safer options don't help. Opioids don't cure a health … and over-the-counter medicines and natural health products. That information will help prevent serious problems. … and over-the-counter medicines and natural health products. That information will help prevent serious problems. …
Health topics
… cases, the surgeon makes the final decision during surgery, when the surgeon can see how strong the meniscus is, where … vigorous activities will depend on your success in rehab. When you can go back to work will depend on your pain and … pain and improve the function of your knee. It's also done when your doctor thinks repair will work better than rehab. …
Health topics
… is a serious problem that makes your heart muscle stiff. When your heart muscle is stiff, it can't stretch to allow … If your heart gets weaker, you may develop heart failure. When this happens, you may have other symptoms. These … especially with activity. Tiredness. Trouble breathing when you lie down. Swelling in your legs. How is it …
Health topics
… draining from your chest. The chest tubes will be removed when the drainage from your chest has stopped and no air is … is more effective in early-stage non-small cell lung cancer when the lung cancer can be completely removed and the … is sometimes used in limited-stage small cell lung cancer, when there is a single tumour and the cancer has not spread …
Health topics
… A doctor may take out part or all of the gland when it gets too big, doesn't work right, or has a growth. … leave the thyroid. More tests may be done on the tissue. When the test results come back, you may need surgery to … hormone (TSH) suppression and radioactive iodine work best when as much of the thyroid is removed as possible. Thyroid …