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Health topics
… or keep it under control. Prop up the affected limb. Whenever you can, rest a swollen arm or leg on a comfortable … and other hospital staff of your condition. Wear gloves when you garden or do other activities that can lead to cuts … Protect your skin. Use sunscreen and insect repellent when outdoors. Ask your doctor how to handle any cuts, …
Health topics
… spells? Breath-holding spells are brief periods when young children stop breathing for up to 1 minute. These … (lose consciousness). Breath-holding spells usually occur when a young child is angry, frustrated, in pain, or afraid. … cyanotic spell: The child may breathe too fast or too hard. When the child breathes out, there may be a long pause …
Health topics
… or pressure, happen at times you can predict. They happen when your heart is working hard, such as during exercise. Your symptoms go away when you rest or after you take nitroglycerin. Key points to … pinch from the numbing medicine. You may feel some pressure when the doctor puts in the catheter. You will probably feel …
Health topics
… the emotion. Is it anger? Jealousy? Resentment? Sometimes when emotions are high, it can be easy to feel like you're angry when, if you look closely, you're actually more frustrated … And anger can alert you to something that needs to change. When you feel a strong emotion, try to think about what the …
Health topics
… cleaners, medicines, cosmetics, garden products, and houseplants. If these items are not kept out of … risk of poisoning because of their natural curiosity. Products that are poisonous to children can also harm pets. Use … unattended, even for a moment. Many poisonings occur when an adult becomes distracted by the doorbell, a …
Health topics
… to all parts of your body. Platelets help your blood clot. When you have leukemia, the bone marrow starts to make a lot … grow faster than normal cells, and they don't stop growing when they should. Over time, leukemia cells can crowd out … cause no symptoms until much later in the disease. And when symptoms appear, they usually appear gradually. How is …
Health topics
… Why It Is Done A heart transplant is an option when the heart no longer works well enough and a person is at risk of dying. A heart transplant may be considered when a person has severe heart disease and is likely to … donor heart. A person might be a candidate for a transplant when any of these conditions are true: The person has …
Health topics
… bone. These problems are hard to treat and slow to heal. When pressure injuries don't heal well, they can cause … side of the bed that they will roll toward. Move the person When you and your assistant are ready: Help the person lie … degrees. This helps prevent the person from sliding down. When you are finished, smooth out the drawsheet in its …
Health topics
… the lungs (the bronchial tubes) are inflamed and irritated. When this happens, the bronchial tubes swell and produce … caused by bacteria. How can you care for yourself at home? When you have acute bronchitis, there are things you can do … to stop coughing. Expectorants can help you bring up mucus when you cough. Cough medicines may not be safe for children …
Health topics
… and the uterus (hysterectomy) usually relieves pain. When your menstrual periods stop at around age 50 … It's one reason why some doctors remove only one ovary when treating a younger woman. If you have your ovaries … period. Endometriosis (say "en-doh-mee-tree-OH-sus") occurs when tissue that is similar to the endometrium grows outside …