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Health topics
… Fitness: Making it a habit Quick tips: Staying active when you travel … Staying active …
Health topics
… clots in the bladder that may result from the procedure. When the urine is free of significant bleeding or blood … of 100 men who have TURP. footnote 2 This syndrome occurs when the body absorbs too much of the fluid used to wash the … footnote 2 What To Think About TUR syndrome doesn't happen when TURP is done using a bipolar tool (resectoscope) …
Health topics
… transmitted infections or HIV . May not be as effective when taken with certain medicines. May delay return of … or spotting between periods. May not be as effective when taken with certain medicines. Makes diabetes more … method of birth control over time. Can be removed whenever you have problems or want to stop using it. …
Health topics
… problems. For example, if a pregnant person has an STI when during birth, the newborn may have the disease. If your … tested? Getting tested can help find an infection early or when you have no symptoms. This is important so that: You … test result, which shows that you have the disease when you actually don't. This could cause you unneeded worry …
Health topics
… size of growths (implants) and keep them from spreading. When your menstrual periods stop at around age 50 … period. Endometriosis (say "en-doh-mee-tree-OH-sus") occurs when tissue that is similar to the endometrium grows outside … go away. You may be able to take hormones until menopause, when your symptoms should go away. Hormones might not …
Health topics
… changes. Stronger prescription medicines often work when over-the-counter medicines don't. You may decide to … medicine, such as asthma , hoarseness, or a cough caused when the acid backs up in your throat. Treating GERD in … that contain calcium carbonate (such as Tums). Be careful when you take over-the-counter antacid medicines. Many of …
Health topics
… or occupational therapist would help you prevent a fall. When you go to the hospital, bring non-skid socks, slippers, … nurse for help before moving around the room. Be careful when you get out of bed. Before you get out of bed, sit up … or occupational therapist would help you prevent a fall. When you go to the hospital, bring non-skid socks, slippers, …
Health topics
… Overview Grief is a normal and healthy reaction that occurs when you lose someone or something important. Although it is … to an understanding of how the changes affect your life. When you are ready: Set aside time to write. Choose a … Overview Grief is a normal and healthy reaction that occurs when you lose someone or something important. Although it is …
Health topics
… is one of the causes of serious belly pain. It happens when the appendix , a part of the large intestine, becomes … and ask you questions about what symptoms you have, when they started, and what was happening before the pain … is one of the causes of serious belly pain. It happens when the appendix , a part of the large intestine, becomes …
Health topics
… don't usually cause problems. They only become a problem when they cause infection. The infection has a higher chance … of a urinary tract infection. These include burning when you urinate. In your blood or more widespread, you may … don't usually cause problems. They only become a problem when they cause infection. The infection has a higher chance …