3989 results found
Health topics
… most severe before a menstrual period and is often relieved when a period ends. Cyclic breast pain occurs more often in … you consume. Some women feel they have less breast pain when they do this. If breast pain becomes severe or lasts … most severe before a menstrual period and is often relieved when a period ends. Cyclic breast pain occurs more often in …
Health topics
… You should be prepared to describe the spider, where and when the bite took place, and what you were doing at the … doctor.) Your doctor will ask what your main symptoms are, when they began, and how they have developed, progressed, or … You should be prepared to describe the spider, where and when the bite took place, and what you were doing at the …
Health topics
… lotion for an electric razor, have that nearby as well. When you're ready to begin shaving, follow these steps: Wash … do the work and may keep you from pressing down too much. When you're ready to begin shaving, follow these steps: Wash … lotion for an electric razor, have that nearby as well. When you're ready to begin shaving, follow these steps: Wash …
Health topics
… to work within a few days. Your doctor can let you know when you can get back to your normal activities. This may be … from returning after treatment. This surgery may be used when: You want to get rid of varicose veins for cosmetic … to work within a few days. Your doctor can let you know when you can get back to your normal activities. This may be …
Health topics
… the compulsive action in response to the obsessive thought. When you start ERP, your therapist may ask you to write a … their own. Treatment if OCD gets worse In rare cases of OCD when other treatment hasn't helped, deep brain stimulation … it's important to work with your doctor to find out when, or if, you should stop. Learn more Antidepressants …
Health topics
… passes. Argon laser trabeculoplasty is often not effective when repeated. But experts believe that SLT may be repeated … usually does not last long. Blockage of the drainage angle when the cornea and the iris stick together. Pain. Decreased … passes. Argon laser trabeculoplasty is often not effective when repeated. But experts believe that SLT may be repeated …
Health topics
… makes your stomach smaller, you will get full more quickly when you eat. Food also may empty into the small intestine … You must be careful to chew food well and to stop eating when you feel full. This can take some getting used to, … exercise, or medicine. Surgery is generally considered when your body mass index (BMI) is 40 or higher. Surgery may …
Health topics
… with your doctor. Your doctor will consider many things when deciding how often to recommend an eye examination. He … think about the type of arthritis, the age of the child when the disease began, how long the child has had JIA, and … with your doctor. Your doctor will consider many things when deciding how often to recommend an eye examination. He …
Health topics
… This can be done by a doctor in a hospital setting, such as when a foot must be amputated because of diabetes … the hospital and bring the amputated part to the hospital when it is found. Gently rinse off dirt and debris with … This can be done by a doctor in a hospital setting, such as when a foot must be amputated because of diabetes …
Health topics
… find that they have been missing the most fertile days when trying to become pregnant. A woman should keep a record of her menstrual cycle and when she ovulates. This record will help your doctor if you … Home test Home LH urine test kits can be used to see when ovulation occurs. Sometimes a woman's basal body …