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Health topics
… providers. But be aware of the different types you may see. When you understand their roles, you can get the most out of … care team Team member Who are they? What is their role? When would you see them? Primary care physician Family … care for your heart. Sometimes for regular visits, or whenever your condition changes Other specialist physicians …
Health topics
… your body releases certain hormones (such as adrenaline) when it is under stress and needs more blood and oxygen. … is the cause, this high blood pressure may return to normal when the other health problem is treated. But treating the … your body releases certain hormones (such as adrenaline) when it is under stress and needs more blood and oxygen. …
Health topics
… doctor prescribes depends on several things. These include when and how your child was exposed to the HIV virus and … babies whose mothers have HIV be treated right away. Even when babies test negative for HIV at birth, they may have … doctor prescribes depends on several things. These include when and how your child was exposed to the HIV virus and …
Health topics
… of depression and anxiety. It can be hard to be active when you feel depressed or anxious or have a mental health … bus one or two stops early, and walk the rest of the way. When you go shopping, park farther away from the store. Take … of depression and anxiety. It can be hard to be active when you feel depressed or anxious or have a mental health …
Health topics
… blood from your heart to the rest of your body. It's used when your heart is not able to pump enough blood on its own. … what you can expect from your life now and in the future. When you schedule your next doctor visit, ask if you can … blood from your heart to the rest of your body. It's used when your heart is not able to pump enough blood on its own. …
Health topics
… your joints and ease pain. Try these tips: Rest your joints when they are sore or overworked. Ask your doctor or … Take care of your skin Psoriatic arthritis often improves when the skin symptoms of psoriasis get better. So make sure … your joints and ease pain. Try these tips: Rest your joints when they are sore or overworked. Ask your doctor or …
Health topics
… at to learn more. Keeping your child safe in a crib … at to learn more. Crib-related injuries are also … your child grows. Start lowering the mattress no later than when your child begins to sit with little help. Adjust the …
Health topics
… soap. Use your hands rather than a face cloth or sponge when you wash that part of your body. Leave the affected areas uncovered when you can. If you have lumps that are draining, you can … soap. Use your hands rather than a face cloth or sponge when you wash that part of your body. Leave the affected …
Health topics
… penis. Slippage occurs more often than breakage, usually when a condom is too large. Use emergency contraception as a … Condoms are often used to reduce the risk of STIs even when the couple is using another method of birth control … Use a new condom each time you have sexual intercourse. When opening the condom wrapper, be careful not to poke a …
Health topics
… Legionella pneumophila . The bacteria got its name in 1976, when a group of people attending an American Legion … People usually get Legionnaires' disease or Pontiac fever when they breathe in aerosols that contain the bacteria. One … Legionella pneumophila . The bacteria got its name in 1976, when a group of people attending an American Legion …