964 results found
Health topics
… the cognitive problems that can go along with fibromyalgia syndrome. These problems with concentration and memory can … the cognitive problems that can go along with fibromyalgia syndrome. These problems with concentration and memory can …
Health topics
… cap may be difficult. The cervical cap is used to prevent pregnancy. It's called a barrier method of birth control. … as directed , it is about 74% effective for preventing pregnancy. This means that about 26 out of 100 people who use it will have an unplanned pregnancy. When it is not used exactly as directed ,it is …
Health topics
… Basics What is placenta previa? Placenta previa is a pregnancy problem in which the placenta blocks the cervix . … the inside wall of the uterus soon after conception. During pregnancy, it gives the baby food and oxygen. In a normal pregnancy, the placenta is attached high up in the uterus, …
Health topics
… artery disease. A high level may be a sign of metabolic syndrome . Very high levels raise your risk of pancreatitis. … and Triglycerides Tests High Cholesterol Metabolic Syndrome Obesity Type 2 Diabetes Citations Grundy … artery disease. A high level may be a sign of metabolic syndrome . Very high levels raise your risk of pancreatitis. …
Health topics
… has information about the loss of a baby after 20 weeks of pregnancy but before the baby is born. For information about pregnancy loss before 20 weeks, see the topic Miscarriage . … Stillbirth is the loss of a baby after 20 weeks of pregnancy but before the baby is born. It can happen during …
Health topics
… lower part of the uterus. It leads to the vagina. During pregnancy, it is tightly closed to protect the baby. … cerclage, the doctor sews the cervix shut early in the pregnancy. The stitches are removed in time for the baby to … This means that the cervix starts to open too early in pregnancy. You may have a history of cervical insufficiency …
Health topics
… talking with your doctor or midwife. Pregnancy: Dealing With Morning Sickness … K, et al. (2016). The management of nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada , … 9, 2023. Festin M (2014). Nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy. BMJ Clinical Evidence . …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview Spermicide is used to prevent pregnancy. It kills sperm or stops sperm from moving. For it … exactly as directed , 18 women out of 100 have an unplanned pregnancy. When it is not used exactly as directed , 28 women out of 100 have an unplanned pregnancy. When spermicide is used with another type of …
Health topics
… Overview Overview The sponge is used to prevent pregnancy. It is called a barrier method because it keeps … as directed , it is about 80% effective for preventing pregnancy. This means that about 20 out of 100 people who use it will have an unplanned pregnancy. When it is not used exactly as directed , it is …
Health topics
… Overview Overview The implant is used to prevent pregnancy. It's a thin rod about the size of a matchstick … arm. The implant releases the hormone progestin to prevent pregnancy. Progestin prevents pregnancy in these ways: It thickens the mucus in the …