2256 results found
Health topics
… development and have a college degree or are otherwise highly experienced. Also, find out how long staff members … of a single family. Nannies usually have at least a high school education. Many have university degrees in … basic rules that children are expected to follow. Check for high-quality staff and programs. Here are some things to …
Health topics
… the infected person or contact with the infected person's blood. HIV is not spread in such settings where exposures … person. Vaccines HIV is not spread by vaccines made from blood products, such as the hepatitis B vaccine and various … States. Hepatitis B vaccine now contains no human tissue or blood. The other products are made from screened blood or …
Health topics
… Shunt surgeries are designed to redirect the flow of blood or belly fluid through other areas of the body. Types … in the belly ( ascites ). They divert the fluid into normal blood circulation. Portacaval shunts. These shunts may lower blood pressure in the vein that carries blood to the liver …
Health topics
… leg veins are weakened and cannot efficiently move the blood back toward the heart. Pooled blood and fluid in the lower legs then leads to tissue … You can prevent or heal a venous skin ulcer by helping your blood circulate back toward your heart. Elevate your legs …
Health topics
… gentle. It is often used to promote relaxation, improve blood flow, and relieve muscle tension. The therapist uses … techniques on the top layer of muscles in the direction of blood flow to the heart. This may also include moving the … pain. It can also relieve muscle tension and may improve blood flow, relieve pressure on nerves, and restore normal …
Health topics
… injuries from scuba diving? Scuba diving can expose you to high waves and dangerous sea life. But the more likely … Divers breathe compressed air that contains nitrogen. At higher pressure under water, the nitrogen gas goes into the … you're exposed to increasing air pressure, like the high pressure underwater. The pressure is slowly reduced, as …
Health topics
… people who work night shifts gain weight because they eat high-calorie or high-fat meals. Don't have alcohol or caffeine in the hours … people who work night shifts gain weight because they eat high-calorie or high-fat meals. Don't have alcohol or …
Health topics
… stress and strain on your muscles, nerves, tendons, joints, blood vessels, and spine. You could also be at risk for … you use them. Use stepladders instead of chairs to reach high objects. Report any hazards such as loose carpeting or … stress levels, leading to problems with muscles and joints. High-level noise is regulated by the Canadian Centre for …
Health topics
… and reduces your risk for a heart attack, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and some cancers. Knowing why you want to … and reduces your risk for a heart attack, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and some cancers. Knowing why you want …
Health topics
… bleeding from enlarged veins (varices). They make small blood vessels constrict, which reduces blood flow to veins that carry blood to the liver (portal veins). These medicines also may …