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1784 results found
Health topics
… emergency help instead. Keep a written copy of your plan where it's easy to find so you can see what to do if you … zones. The green zone means you're doing well. This is where you want to be. For example, your weight isn't … zone you are in. Green zone. You are doing well. This is where you want to be. Your weight is stable. It's not going …
Health topics
… burns with water, and apply a bandage. There may be burns where the electrical current entered the body and where it left the body. Call your doctor to discuss your … burns with water, and apply a bandage. There may be burns where the electrical current entered the body and where it …
Health topics
… with someone who has TB. Were born in parts of the world where TB is common. Live or have lived in crowded conditions where TB can easily spread, such as nursing homes, homeless … with someone who has TB. Were born in parts of the world where TB is common. Live or have lived in crowded conditions …
Health topics
… Use sticky notes to remind yourself. Place the notes where you will see them, such as on the bathroom mirror or … that best fits your needs. Put your pillbox in a place where it will remind you to take your medicines. For … a day with meals, put those medicines in a pillbox near where you eat. If you use a pillbox, keep one pill in its …
Health topics
… to change, sleeping, and making friends are all areas where children with ADHD may need extra help. Adults with … to change, sleeping, and making friends are all areas where children with ADHD may need extra help. Adults with …
Health topics
… use problem. Have a weak immune system. Live in a place where people are close together, such as a university dorm … use problem. Have a weak immune system. Live in a place where people are close together, such as a university dorm …
Health topics
… of what to expect during the second trimester of your pregnancy. Your second trimester lasts from week 15 to 27: Normal pregnancy: Second trimester Fetal development The second … and what to expect: Fetal development at 16 weeks of pregnancy Fetal development at 20 weeks of pregnancy Fetal …
Health topics
… active. Take walks, go to the park, visit any place where a toddler is safe to move around freely and explore … toxins, and other possible hazards. Try your best to know where your children are and what they're doing so that you … active. Take walks, go to the park, visit any place where a toddler is safe to move around freely and explore …
Health topics
… breasts, penis, or vagina) you now have in the area where you are having symptoms. If your symptoms aren’t … or by having someone else drive you. You are in an area where heavy traffic or other problems may slow you down. … breasts, penis, or vagina) you now have in the area where you are having symptoms. If your symptoms aren’t …