2070 results found
Health topics
… growth of your baby Some women develop depression during pregnancy while a small number will develop an anxiety or …
Health topics
… that you or a close family member has had. Your history of pregnancy, menstruation, or other sources of bleeding. Your … Enough Iron Breath-Holding Spells Folate Deficiency Anemia Vitamin B12 Deficiency Anemia … that you or a close family member has had. Your history of pregnancy, menstruation, or other sources of bleeding. Your …
Health topics
… is labour that comes too early—between 20 and 37 weeks of pregnancy. In labour, the uterus contracts to open the … with the uterus or cervix. Drug or alcohol use during pregnancy. The mother's water (amniotic fluid) breaking … Preterm Prelabour Rupture of Membranes (pPROM) Multiple Pregnancy: Twins or More Prevention It's hard to prevent …
Health topics
… or beta-blockers. Hormones, including those involved in pregnancy and menstrual periods. A woman's symptoms may … cause symptoms. But it can still narrow your bronchial tubes, which makes your lungs work harder. To identify … or beta-blockers. Hormones, including those involved in pregnancy and menstrual periods. A woman's symptoms may …
Health topics
… diabetes is high blood sugar that first occurs during pregnancy. High blood sugar can cause problems for you and … a hormone that helps your body use and store sugar. During pregnancy, the placenta makes other hormones that make it … treated? Controlling your blood sugar is the key to preventing problems during pregnancy and birth. You may be …
Health topics
… Milk Citations Health Canada, et al. (2012). Nutrition for healthy term infants: Recommendations from … for Canada. Available online: http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/fn-an/nutrition/infant-nourisson/recom/index-eng… . Health Canada, et al. (2014). Nutrition for healthy term infants: Recommendations from six …
Health topics
… doctors and naturopaths use natural therapies, such as nutrition and lifestyle counselling. They tend to avoid … on promoting good health. They also like the idea of using nutrition, healthful activity, and things like plant-based … doctors and naturopaths use natural therapies, such as nutrition and lifestyle counselling. They tend to avoid …
Health topics
… a cold, allergy, or some other problem causes the small tube that carries fluid from the middle ear to the throat to swell and close. If this tube, called the eustachian tube , gets blocked, fluid builds up in the middle ear. For …
Health topics
… Overview Vasectomy reversal (vasovasostomy) reconnects the tubes (vas deferens) that were cut during a vasectomy. A … In general, vasectomy reversal: footnote 2 Leads to overall pregnancy rates of greater than 50%. Has the greatest chance of success within 3 years of the vasectomy. Leads to pregnancy only about 30% of the time if the reversal is done …
Health topics
… pyelogram , or voiding cystourethrogram , if birth defects within the urinary system are suspected. Daytime … If the child has daytime wetting that is caused by birth defects within the urinary system, surgery to correct the … pyelogram , or voiding cystourethrogram , if birth defects within the urinary system are suspected. Daytime …