2070 results found
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Health Tools Indoor Air Pollutants Preventing Health Problems From Indoor Pollutants Outdoor … whose mothers are exposed to second-hand smoke during pregnancy have a higher risk for health problems. … bisphenol A at www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/food-nutrition/food-safety/pack… for more information. In the …
Health topics
… may play a role. Problems that harm a baby's brain during pregnancy may help cause it. It is not caused by anything … brain and nervous system . These problems include poor nutrition or a viral infection during pregnancy. … Medicines that you take for schizophrenia can cause birth defects, and not taking your medicine puts you at risk for a …
Health topics
… relieve your symptoms, and keep you comfortable. A feeding tube. This can help you get enough nutrition to stay strong as long as you can. Breathing … comfortable. A feeding tube. This can help you get enough nutrition to stay strong as long as you can. Breathing …
Health topics
… contraception? Emergency contraception is a way to prevent pregnancy if: You had sex without using birth control . … it. How does it work? Emergency contraception pills work by preventing ovulation, fertilization, or implantation. The … from releasing an egg (ovum). They also make the fallopian tubes less likely to move an egg toward the uterus. The …
Health topics
… are health professionals that specialize in food and nutrition care. They help people stay healthy, get better, … and cope with end of life. Dietitians are qualified nutrition professionals regulated through the College of … of BC (CHCPBC) . They must complete a bachelor's degree in nutrition and dietetics, a 10-month practicum, and pass the …
Health topics
… infections (STIs) and they can be used to prevent pregnancy. A male condom is placed over a man's erect penis … control besides vasectomy . To more effectively prevent pregnancy, use a condom with a more effective birth control … are as effective as latex or polyurethane condoms for preventing pregnancy, but they are not effective against …
Health topics
… Call Examinations and Tests Treatment Overview Prevention Preventing Another Heart Attack Life After a Heart Attack … factors for heart disease, including hormone therapy and pregnancy-related problems. These things can raise a woman's … Angioplasty is not surgery. It is done using a thin, soft tube called a catheter that's inserted in your artery. It …
Health topics
… help you relax. First the doctor will put a thin, flexible tube into a blood vessel in the upper thigh. The tube is … early menopause. And it may increase the risk for certain pregnancy problems. Infection. Unplanned hysterectomy. In … early menopause. And it may increase the risk for certain pregnancy problems. Infection. Unplanned hysterectomy. In …
Health topics
… Care Planning: Should I Have Artificial Hydration and Nutrition? Advance Care Planning: Should I Receive CPR and … Should I Have Treatment to Complete a Miscarriage? Multiple Pregnancy: Should I Consider a Multifetal Pregnancy Reduction? Obesity: Should I Use a Diet Plan to …
Health topics
… the neck to the windpipe (trachea). The surgeon then puts a tube into the opening to let air in. A valve keeps the opening of the tube closed during the day, which allows you to speak and … until it's safe to go home. In some cases, the trach tube can be removed before you go home. But in many cases, …