3155 results found
Health topics
… birth control methods. They also can be related to hormone changes, medicines, or changes after pregnancy. A change in your normal vaginal discharge may be … The medical assessment of symptoms is based on the body parts you have. If you are transgender or non-binary, …
Health topics
… enough of a hormone called insulin. Insulin helps the body use sugar from food as energy or store it for later … lens of the eye, it sucks extra water into the eye. This changes the shape of the lens and blurs vision. Feeling very … talk with your doctor about birth control options. Planning pregnancy when you have type 1 diabetes If you are planning …
Health topics
… the cells in the brain send and process information. These changes in the brain make it harder for people to think and … people to have unprotected sex. This raises the chance of pregnancy and infection with sexually transmitted infections … which young people use to build muscle tissue and decrease body fat. Steroids can cause liver cancer and increase the …
Health topics
… also safe for premature infants . Certain vaccines are safe during pregnancy. But some vaccines are not given during pregnancy. … more than one shot may seem like a lot for a child's body to handle. But babies have billions of immune system …
Health topics
… when they misbehave. Avoid using physical punishment. Parenting classes are offered in most communities. Ask your … as a straight line or a circle. Injuries to areas of the body that usually are protected, such as the inside of the … genitals, and the buttocks. The explanation for the injury changes. Or it's not a believable explanation. There are …
Health topics
… able to make decisions for yourself. Birth control and pregnancy If you can become pregnant and don't want to be, … are a few things you need to think about when planning a pregnancy. For example, what is the risk of passing a heart … and become pregnant, what are the possible health risks during pregnancy? Congenital Heart …
Health topics
… The ages from 2 to 5 are often called the preschool years. During these years, children change from clumsy toddlers … it is also important for you to: Learn and use effective parenting and discipline techniques. Avoid spanking. … typically cover: Whether any noticeable behavioural changes have occurred. Your child's and family's general …
Health topics
… deficiency anemia is a blood problem that occurs when your body doesn't have enough folate (folic acid). This B vitamin … dark green, leafy vegetables. Why is folic acid important during pregnancy? Folic acid helps prevent neural tube defects, …
Health topics
… Overview Birth control is any method used to prevent pregnancy. Another word for birth control is contraception. … getting close to menopause. The only sure way to prevent pregnancy is to not have sex. But finding a good method of … are most likely to become pregnant (you are fertile). And during times you are fertile, you will need to not have sex …
Health topics
… What is breech position? During most of pregnancy, there is enough room in the uterus for the baby … during delivery. The legs are straight up in front of the body, with the feet near the head. This is the most common …