3532 results found
Health topics
… for a First-Degree Burn or Sunburn Pink Eye Poisoning Pregnancy-Related Problems Problems After Delivery of Your … Seabather's Eruption Seizures Self-Care Supplies Shock Shoulder Problems and Injuries Skin Adhesives (Liquid … for a First-Degree Burn or Sunburn Pink Eye Poisoning Pregnancy-Related Problems Problems After Delivery of Your …
Health topics
… need to be treated by a doctor. Check Your Symptoms Do you have a scrape? Scrapes are wounds that rub or tear off the … poison centre to find out what to do. Most chemicals should be rinsed off with lots of water, but with some … poison centre to find out what to do. Most chemicals should be rinsed off with lots of water, but with some …
Health topics
… the police or local child protective services. You may not have to give your name. If you don't know who to call, a … the child isn't gaining weight or height the way the child should. Although this can be caused by a medical problem, it … the child isn't gaining weight or height the way the child should. Although this can be caused by a medical problem, it …
Health topics
… or substances or body fluids getting in the eyes. If you have sight in only one eye, wear a sports eye protector … piece of tissue and touch the end to the object. The object should cling to the swab or tissue. Do not use tweezers, … piece of tissue and touch the end to the object. The object should cling to the swab or tissue. Do not use tweezers, …
Health topics
… a pea to a mothball form in nearly one-third of people who have RA. Nodules usually form over pressure points in the … pain, slow joint damage, and prevent disability. Treatment should start with learning about the disease. Learn what … pain, slow joint damage, and prevent disability. Treatment should start with learning about the disease. Learn what …
Health topics
… but it can happen to any baby in very hot weather. A baby should be dressed as an adult would be to be comfortable at … young children, heat rash can appear on the head, neck, and shoulders. The rash areas can get irritated by clothing or … but it can happen to any baby in very hot weather. A baby should be dressed as an adult would be to be comfortable at …
Health topics
… who has gum sores and a fever or who does not feel well should be evaluated by a health professional. Chickenpox . … who has gum sores and a fever or who does not feel well should be evaluated by a health professional. Chickenpox . …
Health topics
… hernia , which usually goes away on its own. But it should be watched by a doctor. Growth … hernia , which usually goes away on its own. But it should be watched by a doctor. Growth …
Health topics
… but they do occur. To avoid the risk of drowning, swimmers should get out of the water as soon as they realize they've … also occur. Stingrays are members of the shark family. They have sharp spines in their tails that can cause cuts or … but they do occur. To avoid the risk of drowning, swimmers should get out of the water as soon as they realize they've …
Health topics
… an arthroscope. Common sites for the procedure include the shoulder, hip, and knee. During arthroscopy, the arthroscope … stay in the hospital. After the procedure, the joint should be used as little as possible for several days. You … an arthroscope. Common sites for the procedure include the shoulder, hip, and knee. During arthroscopy, the arthroscope …