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3532 results found
Health topics
… insects, such as fleas, flies, and mosquitoes. Some people have more severe reactions to bites or stings. Babies and … across two major joints, such as from the elbow to the shoulder. A skin infection at the site of the bite or sting. … across two major joints, such as from the elbow to the shoulder. A skin infection at the site of the bite or sting. …
Health topics
… young adults. Also at risk are older adults and people who have long-term health problems, such as a weakened immune … older adults, and people with other medical problems may have different symptoms: Babies may be cranky and refuse to eat. They may have a rash. They may cry when held. Young children may act …
Health topics
… heart to take. "At some point in my life, I was going to have a heart attack. Smoking just sped it up," says Alan, … the heart attack, Alan quit smoking immediately. He didn't have much choice. At that time, treatment for a heart attack … excitement. Now we know that if you can get up, get up. You have to move around at least a little." During those weeks …
Health topics
… cover your cast when you take a shower or bath or when you have any other contact with water. Moisture can collect … Information Arm Injuries Elbow Injuries Leg Injuries Shoulder Problems and Injuries Splinting Adaptation … Information Arm Injuries Elbow Injuries Leg Injuries Shoulder Problems and Injuries Splinting Adaptation …
Health topics
… mouth. Violence or fear may be used to force the person to have sex. Examples include: An object placed into the vagina … sexual intercourse (rape). Check Your Symptoms Do you have a concern about sexual abuse or assault ? Answer the … assessment of symptoms is based on the body parts you have. If you are transgender or non-binary, choose the sex …
Health topics
… surgery is only used for people who are very overweight and have not been able to lose weight with diet and exercise. … or sugar. If you do, you may vomit, get stomach pain, or have diarrhea. Weight loss You probably will lose weight … As time goes on, your weight loss will slow down. You will have regular doctor visits to check how you are doing. …
Health topics
… Check Your Symptoms Overview You may have had a minor groin problem at one time or another. Most … important to look for other causes of groin pain when you haven't had an injury. An inguinal hernia is a bulge of soft … and go away on its own. Rashes Rashes in the groin area have many causes, such as ringworm or yeast (cutaneous …
Health topics
… reflux around 1 year of age. A child who continues to have reflux may need treatment. What causes it? … What are the symptoms? It is common for babies to spit up (have reflux) after they eat. Babies with severe gastroesophageal reflux may cry, act fussy, or have trouble eating. They may not sleep well or grow as …
Health topics
… temple, it is also called temporal arteritis. People who have GCA need to be treated right away. That's because it … the muscles. It causes pain and stiffness in the neck, shoulder, and hip area. The same medicines are used to treat … the muscles. It causes pain and stiffness in the neck, shoulder, and hip area. The same medicines are used to treat …
Health topics
… because you work nights or rotating shifts. You also may have this problem if you have trouble staying awake or alert when you are supposed to … morning shift—for example, starting at 4 a.m.—also may have sleep problems. Rotating shift work also can be hard. …