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3532 results found
Health topics
… the connection between depression and suicide? People who have depression may feel so bad that they think about … events. People may be at higher risk of suicide if they: Have attempted suicide before. Have a family history of suicide. Have mental health …
Health topics
… focus on one day at a time. Do the best you can. You don't have to be perfect. Remember that diabetes is a part of your life, but it does not have to take over your life. Also, remember that you are not … adviser if you belong to a church or spiritual group. They have experience helping people manage feelings. Join a …
Health topics
… into a vein ( intravenous, or IV ). Health professionals have a higher risk for needle-stick injuries. A puncture … may be all that is needed. Check Your Symptoms Do you have a puncture wound? This is a wound caused by a sharp, … assessment of symptoms is based on the body parts you have. If you are transgender or non-binary, choose the sex …
Health topics
… in Canada. About 15% of adults in Canada and the USA have chronic kidney disease. Chronic kidney disease may … increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. If you have kidney disease, aim to do regular physical activity to … chronic kidney disease and end-stage renal disease If you have chronic kidney disease and end-stage renal disease that …
Health topics
… finished. Manage your energy. Notice what time of day you have the most energy. Fatigue usually has a pattern. Set … a list of the things that are less important for when you have help. Pace yourself. Plan important activities for times when you have the most energy. Use labour-saving devices. This may …
Health topics
… and Alcohol On this page: Overview Overview People who have diabetes need to be more careful with alcohol. Before … Do you know how drinking alcohol can affect you? Do you have high blood pressure, nerve damage, or eye problems from … sugar. If you are controlling your diabetes and do not have other health issues, it may be okay to have a drink …
Health topics
… go through the digestive tract. You may need TPN if you: Have an injury to or had part of your intestines removed. Have a problem that makes it hard to eat and digest food. … as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis) or pancreatitis. Have had some medical treatments. TPN lets your intestines …
Health topics
… plate. It needs to be checked by a doctor. Older adults have a greater chance for injuries and broken bones. That's … strength ( osteoporosis ) as they age. Older adults also have more problems with vision and balance. This makes them more likely to have a fall or injury. Most minor injuries will heal on …
Health topics
… (venomous) snake or lizard requires emergency care. If you have been bitten by a snake or lizard that you know or think … size, and health of the person who was bitten. If you don't have symptoms within 8 to 12 hours, it may be that no venom … If poison is released in the bite, about 35% of the bites have mild injections of poison (envenomations), 25% are …
Health topics
… during an attack. Your plan can help you stay active and have fewer problems. It may include: Your treatment goals. A … and when to take them. How to treat symptoms before you have an attack. What to do if an attack becomes an … Using an asthma action plan can help you stay active and have fewer asthma problems. Following your plan is a big …