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3532 results found
Health topics
… when you lose consciousness. You don't pass out when you have a drug or alcohol blackout. In a blackout, you lose … eat dinner, wash dishes, or watch television. But later you have no memory of doing them. Many people who have blackouts aren't worried about them. They might …
Health topics
… health, quality of life and degree of independence. If you have a disability, having adequate endurance, strength and … plans to become active and get their advice Make sure you have the right equipment (if needed) to participate in the … can be more active in your daily life. Remember: it doesn't have to be strenuous. Gardening, playing with your kids and …
Health topics
… active and transition. During the early phase, you might have a backache and feel some pelvic pressure, as if your … or four centimetres. Baby's head comes down in pelvis. You have diarrhea. You have "show" (slightly pink, vaginal mucus). Your water …
Health topics
… of the emotional problems that a child with dyslexia can have are due to frustrations and failures at school and … disorder (ADHD). Some children with dyslexia also have ADHD . But dyslexia and ADHD are two very different … heard are linked with dyslexia. Many times these children have problems remembering the sounds in words long enough to …
Health topics
… obstructive sleep apnea . But even though most people who have sleep apnea snore, not all people who snore have sleep apnea. If you have sleep apnea: How loud and how often you snore changes …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview You may have a very mild form of hyperthyroidism called subclinical … are low but your thyroid hormone levels are normal. If you have subclinical hyperthyroidism, you may have no symptoms at all. Or you may lose weight or feel …
Health topics
… placed on a lure or line to catch fish. Some fish hooks have a barb near the tip that keeps the fish on the hook. … Your tetanus shot isn't current. Check Your Symptoms Do you have an injury caused by a fish hook? Yes Fish hook injury … assessment of symptoms is based on the body parts you have. If you are transgender or non-binary, choose the sex …
Health topics
… area offers low-cost bus or taxi service for people who have low vision. Building a personal support network can … The changes you need to make depend on how much vision you have lost, what kinds of activities you like to do, and your … at home Make simple changes Make a list of things you have trouble doing. Make simple accommodations at home that …
Health topics
… form on your hands or feet. They usually don't hurt. Corns have an inner core that can be soft or hard. Soft corns are … of their feet. What are the symptoms? You can tell you have a corn or callus by the way it looks. A callus is hard, … feel bumpy. A hard corn is firm with a thick core. It may have a yellow ring with a grey centre. Or it may look darker …
Health topics
… Overview As you or a family member ages, you may have concerns about how to manage health problems. Most people would like to stay in their homes and have family members help them out. But this isn't always possible. You or a loved one may not have training to provide some types of care. Or a family …