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Health topics
… problem that can occur at any age. When you have dry skin, your skin may be rough, or scaly or flaky, and it may itch. There are many causes of dry skin. As you age, your skin produces less of the natural oil that helps your skin keep its moisture. Dry indoor air can cause your
Health topics
… called De Quervain's, is a problem that makes the bottom of your thumb and the side of your wrist hurt. When you have de Quervain's, the ropey fibre ( tendon ) that helps move your thumb away from your fingers becomes swollen. What …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview If your child has a barking cough: Hold your child in a calming manner. Keep your child quiet, if possible. Crying can make breathing …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview If you've had surgery to your back or belly, an injury to your trunk, or pain in your back, then you know that bending and twisting can cause …
Health topics
… incentive spirometer is a hand-held device that exercises your lungs and measures how much air you can breathe in. It … taking deep breaths. Deep breaths can help open your airways and prevent fluid or mucus from building up in your … after you've had pneumonia or surgery, and keep your airways open and lungs active if you can't get out of bed. How …
Health topics
… and after exercise. Keep a record of how exercise affects your child's blood sugar level. Using your records, you can … that your child takes before exercise. Have your child always wear a medical bracelet or necklace. You can buy these … that your child takes before exercise. Have your child always wear a medical bracelet or necklace. You can buy these …
Health topics
… to check into the hospital the night before or morning of your coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) procedure. You will … be allowed anything to eat or drink after midnight. Before your surgery, you will meet some of the members of the … medicines to put you to sleep for the surgery and control your pain both during and after your surgery. He or she will …
Health topics
… needle fasciotomy. The procedure can be done in your doctor's office. It usually takes about 30 minutes. The … doctor will insert a needle into the tissue that is pulling your fingers toward your palm. The needle is used to make holes in the tissue. …
Health topics
… How often and how long to feed Last updated October 1, 2019 If you're just starting out, you might be wondering how much breastfeeding is enough for your baby.  Here are some guidelines that can help. In the first three to four days after birth, your baby may lose some weight. This is normal, as long as …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview Listen to your body to tell you when you're hungry or full. Hunger is a normal sensation that makes you want to eat. Your body tells your brain that your stomach is empty. This makes your