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Health topics
… a cataract , you will most likely be allowed to return to your normal activities. But you need to take certain precautions. Use eyedrops as prescribed by your doctor. Wash your hands before putting drops in your eye. Be careful not …
Health topics
… another blood sample will be taken. This is to see if your tissue type matches well enough for the transplant. If … examination. You will also be asked questions about your health and your family history of diseases. And you'll be asked to sign …
Health topics
… posture and good body mechanics can help prevent tension in your neck, shoulders, and upper back muscles. If your headaches seem to be related to tension in this area, … or back pain. Here are some things you can do. Keep your back in the neutral position. The key to good back …
Health topics
… and stiffness in the neck and sometimes in the muscles in your head, chest, shoulders, and arms. You also may have a … you prevent it? To help prevent whiplash when you drive, always wear your seat belt and adjust your headrest to the … you prevent it? To help prevent whiplash when you drive, always wear your seat belt and adjust your headrest to the …
Health topics
… are two types of teeth whitening. Bleaching. Bleaching your teeth changes the colour of the tooth enamel and … speed up how fast your teeth lose their new whiteness. Always talk with your dentist before you use tooth whitening, … speed up how fast your teeth lose their new whiteness. Always talk with your dentist before you use tooth whitening, …
Health topics
… Information Overview Regular exercise may help control your diabetes, which can reduce your risk of severe diabetic neuropathy. But depending on what areas of your body have been affected by nerve damage, you may need …
Health topics
… that stabilizes and cushions the knee joint. Whether or not your tear can be repaired depends on the type of the tear . … by years of wear and tear—generally can't be repaired. Your doctor will suggest the treatment that will likely work … the tear is , the pattern of the tear, and how big it is. Your age, your health, and your activity level may also …
Health topics
… coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) or bypass surgery. Your doctor will make the bypass with a healthy piece of blood vessel from another part of your body. Then the doctor will attach, or graft, the … muscle. The doctor typically makes a cut in the skin over your breastbone (sternum). This cut is called an incision. …
Health topics
… them from memory. Choose a place where you can lie down on your back and stretch out comfortably, such as a carpeted … relax the muscle group (do not relax it gradually). Give yourself 10 to 20 seconds to relax. When you are finished, … Clench them. Wrists and forearms: Extend them and bend your hands back at the wrist. Biceps and upper arms: Clench …
Health topics
… device. It sends out mild electrical signals that keep your heart beating normally. The signals are painless. It … by batteries. Most pacemakers are placed under the skin of your chest. They have thin wires, called leads. The leads pass through a vein into your heart. A pacemaker can help restore a normal heart …