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Health topics
… page: Overview Overview Breathing with your diaphragm helps your lungs expand so that they take in more air. Your diaphragm is the large muscle that separates your lungs …
Health topics
… easier in the moment. But you regret it later. Think of your thoughtful no as an act of kindness for your future self. Here are some tips on how to do it. Write … you were, who else was there, and why you said yes. Give yourself permission to say no. You know what's best for you. …
Health topics
… compared to his or her height. If you are concerned that your child is—or could become—overweight, talk with your doctor about your child's growth and medical history. Medical and family …
Health topics
… laws protect some of those rights, like the right to see your medical records and keep them private. Many provinces and territories also have laws protecting your rights. Hospitals and other health care facilities … hospital. For example, you should expect quality care from your providers and know who is caring for you. And you have …
Health topics
… aortic valve replacement surgery and, if so, when to do it. Your doctor will check the severity of your condition. Your doctor will also check your overall health to see if …
Health topics
… You can prevent or heal a venous skin ulcer by helping your blood circulate back toward your heart. Elevate your legs during sleep. While you are sleeping, you can help …
Health topics
… swimming pools or in locker rooms. The fungi then grow in your shoes, especially if your shoes are tight and air can't move around your feet. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of athlete's foot …
Health topics
… outpatient program. This program is one part, or phase, of your cardiac rehab. You will likely take part in a … if you need to. Being active. Managing stress. Taking your medicines. Managing other health problems. You may also … any additional physical limitations or medical issues with your doctor before you start any exercise program. The …
Health topics
… that the immune system is attacking the body's own tissues. Your genes may play a role in this. For example, people … in the knees, wrists, or ankles. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will do a physical examination and ask you about your symptoms and past health. For example, the doctor may …
Health topics
… that the immune system is attacking the body's own tissues. Your genes may play a role in this. For example, people … may look swollen. And it may hurt to wear glasses or comb your hair. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will do a physical examination and ask you about …