1441 results found
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… if you experience angina symptoms (such as chest pain or pressure), feel faint or light-headed, or become extremely … to feel tired when you're more active, and this is when injuries can happen. To avoid injury, gradually build up how … doing the proper form of physical activities. This prevents injuries by reducing stress on muscles, ligaments and joints …
Health topics
… attack . Heart attack symptoms may include: Chest pain or pressure, or a strange feeling in the chest. Sweating. Shortness of breath. Nausea or vomiting. Pain, pressure, or a strange feeling in the back, neck, jaw, or … of Your Appointment Back Problems and Injuries Heartburn Hyperventilation Neck Problems and …
Health topics
… sugar, insulin resistance, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. Lifestyle and genetics may also play a part. But … attack and stroke is even higher if you have: High blood pressure . It pushes blood through the arteries with too … attack and stroke (such as high blood sugar, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol). How can you lower your …
Health topics
… an increased risk of infection, such as dirty cuts or crush injuries, are usually closed within 6 hours after the … Wounds that continue to bleed after 15 minutes of direct pressure. The types of wounds listed above usually need an … Wounds that continue to bleed after 15 minutes of direct pressure. The types of wounds listed above usually need an …
Health topics
… make heart failure symptoms worse and can cause low blood pressure and a slow heart rate, so you will need to be seen … problem with your doctor immediately. Monitoring your blood pressure and heart rate. Your blood pressure and heart rate are extremely important parameters …
Health topics
… don't work as they should, blood collects in your legs, and pressure builds up. The veins become weak, large, and … don't work as they should, blood collects in your legs, and pressure builds up. The veins become weak, large, and … about any risk factors, such as vein problems, serious leg injuries, or leg ulcers you've had in the past. Do a …
Health topics
… or methamphetamine. Nervous system problems, such as head injuries, encephalitis , meningitis , or stroke. Physical problems that cause pressure on or within the chest, such as: Chest wall injury. … , meningitis , or stroke. Physical problems that cause pressure on or within the chest, such as: Chest wall injury. …
Health topics
… the flap in place with a clean cloth or gauze. Apply steady pressure with a clean cloth to the injured area. Hold the pressure for 15 minutes. Mild bleeding usually stops on its own or slows to an ooze or trickle after 15 minutes of pressure. If moderate to severe bleeding has not slowed or …
Health topics
… marks. They can also include cuts, punctures, burns, or injuries that have not been treated. Broken bones, including … Malnutrition (not enough food). Untreated health problems. Pressure injuries (pressure sores). Unclean clothes, or an unclean body. Living …
Health topics
… and Triglycerides: Eating Fish and Fish Oil High blood pressure (hypertension) Having high blood pressure means that blood is pushing too hard against blood … Find out how you can help prevent or manage high blood pressure with healthy eating: Healthy eating to lower high …