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Health topics
… Activities for school age children Last updated June 30, 2021 Trying lots of different … and sports – even playing more than one sport – helps children find out what they like and what they are good at. If children do well at a particular physical activity, they’re …
Health topics
… may decrease your chances of getting skin cancer and help prevent wrinkles. People with darker skin don't sunburn as … lips from getting sunburned. Preventing sun exposure in children Start protecting your child from the sun when your child is a baby. Because children spend a lot of time outdoors playing, …
Health topics
… or projects around the home. Car crashes. Falls. Fights. In children, most facial injuries occur during sports or play … child are different than the symptoms in a young child or baby . Severe Severe difficulty breathing Moderate Moderate … the edge of the lip. Stitches or other treatment may help prevent scarring. It's best to get treated within 8 hours of …
Health topics
… may recommend amniocentesis if your chances of having a baby with a genetic condition or birth defect are higher … at risk for Rh sensitization, you'll be given a vaccine to prevent it. Foot defect. There is an increased risk that … to continue your pregnancy or make plans to care for a sick child. Compare your options Compare Compare Option 1 Have …
Health topics
… treatment is usually all that's needed for healing and to prevent other problems, such as infection. There are many … Scald burns from hot liquids are the most common burns to children and older adults. Cold temperature burns are caused … may cause a minor loss of fluids from the body. But in a baby or young child, the same size and depth of a burn may …
Health topics
… serious health problems. But for a pregnant woman's growing baby, it can cause brain damage and vision loss. Still, the … well will need to take medicine to treat the infection and prevent serious health problems. If you get toxoplasmosis … lowers the chance of having problems later on. How can you prevent toxoplasmosis during pregnancy? There are several …
Health topics
… severe damage to the intestine, which can be deadly. Some children may have ongoing problems with digestion, growth, … do not form in the right ways. This can happen when a baby is born early or when there are problems during … doctors about anything you don't understand. How can you prevent it? Feeding the baby breast milk from the mother or …
Health topics
… they lay and attach their eggs. Head lice is common in children. They are common because they can spread anytime a … skin itches for a week or more after treatment. How can you prevent them? Head lice are contagious. That means they can … from one person to another. But you can take steps to prevent that. Check everyone in your home for lice. You …
Health topics
… This can cause problems with the muscles, lungs, or heart. Choking or an abnormal heartbeat may cause sudden death, … head injury. Someone who is pregnant or who recently had a baby has a seizure. This could be a sign of preeclampsia … of medicine to best manage your epilepsy. The goal is to prevent seizures while causing the fewest side effects. Some …
Health topics
… factor replacement therapy can treat bleeding episodes or prevent bleeding. It can prevent severe blood loss and complications from bleeding … in a hospital. You can also give it to yourself or to your child at home. It is easily stored. You can carry factor …