2326 results found
Health topics
… and organ failure. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy . How can you prevent it? Necrotizing fasciitis is very rare. Bacteria … redness, or fever), see your doctor right away. To help prevent any kind of infection, wash your hands often. And … and organ failure. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy . How can you prevent it? Necrotizing fasciitis is very rare. Bacteria …
Health topics
… can tell you which exercises are best. How can you prevent it? To help prevent whiplash when you drive, always wear your seat belt … can tell you which exercises are best. How can you prevent it? To help prevent whiplash when you drive, always …
Health topics
… is treated with estrogen creams or tablets. How can you prevent it? Here are some things you can do to help prevent vaginitis: Do not take antibiotics unless you really … is treated with estrogen creams or tablets. How can you prevent it? Here are some things you can do to help prevent …
Health topics
… disorder (DMDD) is a new type of mood disorder in children and teens. Kids with DMDD feel irritable or angry … outbursts that are frequent, intense, and not normal for a child's age can be a sign of a problem. The symptoms of DMDD … disorders, like oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). When a child has DMDD, they may also have other disorders, (such as …
Health topics
… A diuretic to reduce fluid buildup. A blood thinner to help prevent blood clots. Oxygen therapy to make breathing … anxiety. Treatment with counselling and medicine can help. Prevent pregnancy Talk to your doctor about preventing pregnancy. Pregnancy and childbirth can cause changes in the body that could be …
Health topics
… The specific program should be chosen according to the child's needs. High-functioning autistic children may be enrolled in mainstream classrooms and child care facilities—watching the behaviour of other …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview If your child has severe joint damage from juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), your child's doctors may recommend a total joint replacement. As … this decision together, consider the following: Your child's age. Consider how old your child is. His or her …
Health topics
… Conditions Basics What is sensory processing disorder? Children with sensory processing disorder have problems … smell, taste, vision, and hearing. In most cases, these children have one or more senses that either react too much … to stimulation. This disorder can cause problems with a child's development and behaviour. Children with autism …
Health topics
… Conditions With Symptoms Similar to Depression in Children and Teens On this page: Overview Related … can cause symptoms that look like depression. Before your child or teen can be diagnosed with depression, a doctor may … Medical problems such as a low thyroid level and anemia. A child may have one or more of these other conditions along …
Health topics
… Adoption gives people a chance to raise and nurture a child. When deciding whether to adopt, think about: Why you want a child. Your feelings about not being genetically related to your child. How will you deal with maybe not knowing much about …