3350 results found
Health topics
… 12-hour shifts as an engineer at a computer company. The other days he catches up on household chores and yard work. … making lifestyle changes is so important. "I met a lot of other people who felt the same way I did at first about … Making a difference When he went back to his doctor for another blood test, Jerry's blood sugar had dropped below the …
Health topics
… person." "I encourage people to find out what treatments others have tried and what things have worked for them," she says. "I'm a believer in other people's ideas. Obviously, what works for one person may not work for another, but unless you try it, you'll never know if it'll …
Health topics
… have a fast heartbeat, sweat a lot, lose weight, or have other symptoms of hyperthyroidism (too much thyroid … problems, be constipated, have dry skin, feel cold, or have other symptoms of hypothyroidism (too little thyroid … to get information about your thyroid gland and nodules. Another test called an uptake scan can be done at the same …
Health topics
… tooth that has broken partway through the gum. Crowding of other teeth. Tooth decay or gum disease if there isn't … signs of a wisdom tooth coming through your gum or crowding other teeth. You will have X-rays to find out if your wisdom … tooth that has broken partway through the gum. Crowding of other teeth. Tooth decay or gum disease if there isn't …
Health topics
… workload. Some people need extra oxygen all the time. Others need it from time to time throughout the day or … using oxygen. Alcohol, sleeping pills, or sedatives and other drugs can make you breathe too slowly. Be aware of … workload. Some people need extra oxygen all the time. Others need it from time to time throughout the day or …
Health topics
… begin by working on a healthy breakfast, and move to other meals after this goal has been reached. Or, decide to eat more fruits and worry about other foods later. Making one change at a time. Rather than … begin by working on a healthy breakfast, and move to other meals after this goal has been reached. Or, decide to …
Health topics
… crossed the line, he would be a non-smoker. Strength from others Hearing other people's success stories encouraged him. His … crossed the line, he would be a non-smoker. Strength from others Hearing other people's success stories encouraged …
Health topics
… to feel, to move, and to control the bowel and bladder and other body functions. The seven vertebrae between the head … of tests, including imaging and blood tests, to eliminate other diseases—such as multiple sclerosis (MS) and vitamin … exercise to maintain strength and flexibility, and physiotherapy. If your symptoms are severe, you have progressive …
Health topics
… soft drinks. If you don't like plain water, try other sugar-free or low-calorie beverages, such as … at a meal than you had planned, take a walk or do other exercise. This will help lower your blood sugar. … soft drinks. If you don't like plain water, try other sugar-free or low-calorie beverages, such as …
Health topics
… the ICD? Some people wait until the end of life is close. Others want it turned off well before this. Personal issues. … still receive your usual care. You'll still be treated for other health problems and have doctor visits as necessary. … the ICD? Some people wait until the end of life is close. Others want it turned off well before this. Personal issues. …