3351 results found
Health topics
… Overview Surgery for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries can help you stabilize your knee and return to … This means that you don't spend a night in the hospital. Other surgery may require staying in the hospital for a … a year. How long it takes to return to normal activities or sports is different for every person. Your doctor will work …
Health topics
… for medical transport to the hospital. Mouth and Dental Injuries Self-Care Try these tips to help treat a sensitive … or floss. Wear a mouth guard or face protection if you play sports. Remove a very loose baby tooth in a child. First, … Medicines to Children More self-care Child Safety: Preventing Falls Dental Care: Brushing and Flossing Your …
Health topics
… the next period) relieve cyclic breast pain as well as other premenstrual symptoms. Eating a very low-fat diet. … pain is also a known side effect of birth control pills. Preventing breast pain You may be able to prevent breast pain, tenderness, or discomfort by wearing a sports bra during exercise. It is important that the sports …
Health topics
… put over the spine. Bone for grafts is sometimes taken from other parts of the body, like the hip bone, or from bone … Activities that could jar the spine—such as competitive sports, ice skating, roller skating, and skiing (water or … Activities that could jar the spine—such as competitive sports, ice skating, roller skating, and skiing (water or …
Health topics
… and Wrist Problems, Non-Injury . Shoulder Problems and Injuries . Osteoarthritis . Fibromyalgia . Low Back Pain: … Dupuytren's Disease Elbow Bursitis and Tendon Injury: Preventing Pain Elbow Injuries Elbow Pain: Other Causes of … Spondylolisthesis Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis Sports Hernia Stages of Lyme Disease Steroid-Induced …
Health topics
… be together, such as at mealtimes. Plan family outings or other family fun activities. Be fair and consistent. … Keep your teen busy with meaningful activities, such as sports, church programs, or other group involvement. Teens … Keep your teen busy with meaningful activities, such as sports, church programs, or other group involvement. Teens …
Health topics
… equipment Shoveling snow Outdoor activities: Competitive sports like basketball and soccer Hiking with a backpack … Go the extra distance when you can. Get your coffee on another floor (use the stairs) or use the washroom that's the … workout from running. It may reduce the risk of overuse injuries. That's because the same muscles are not being …
Health topics
… surgery or by using a cast, splint, brace, walking boot, or other device that will keep your lower leg and ankle from … the surgery. If you are younger or are physically active in sports, at work, or at home, surgery is often advised. If … they did before the injury, including returning to sports. What are the risks of surgery? The risks of surgery …
Health topics
… puts a lighted tube and scope, called an arthroscope, with other surgical tools through small cuts (incisions) in your … meniscus using sutures (stitches) or anchors. Other knee injuries—most commonly to the anterior cruciate ligament … to allow the meniscus to heal. Return to heavy work or sports 4 to 6 weeks, if: You have regained motion and …
Health topics
… and makes the trip more pleasant. Saves money. By preventing tooth decay and gum disease, you can reduce the need for fillings and other costly procedures. Helps prevent bad breath. Brushing … of smoking and second-hand smoke. Learn how to prevent injuries to teeth and what to do in a dental emergency. …