185 results found
Health topics
… include: A runny or stuffy nose. It may lead to blocked nasal passages that cause the child to breathe through the … cold and allergy medicines. Don't use decongestant nasal sprays, drops, or gels more times in one day or for more … mucous membranes swell up more than before you used the spray. If you are pregnant, check with your doctor or …
Health topics
… soap is needed. Don't use "baby wipes" that have alcohol or propylene glycol to clean the skin if the person has a diaper rash. … soap is needed. Don't use "baby wipes" that have alcohol or propylene glycol to clean the skin if the person has a …
Health topics
… person has a glucagon kit). It may be given as a shot or nasal spray. After you give the glucagon, immediately call 9-1-1 … has a glucagon kit). It may be given as a shot or nasal spray. After you give the glucagon, immediately call 9-1-1 …
Health topics
… It Works Risks Surgery Overview The nasal septum is the wall between the nostrils that separates the two nasal passages. It supports the nose and directs airflow. … may use a thin, lighted tool ( endoscope ) to look at your nasal passages and to see the shape of your septum. In some …
Health topics
… from low humidity, smoking, air pollution, yelling, or nasal drainage down the back of the throat ( post-nasal drip … stuffy nose. You can try a decongestant or a steroid nasal spray if you have a stuffy nose (congestion). These … throat lozenges. Medicated throat lozenges or sprays have medicine (local anesthetic) that numbs the …
Health topics
… Alpha hydroxy acids such as lactic acid, mandelic acid, and glycolic acid are often used in products to treat acne . … Alpha hydroxy acids such as lactic acid, mandelic acid, and glycolic acid are often used in products to treat acne . …
Health topics
… prevents your airways from closing during sleep. Oral or nasal breathing devices may also help. Health Tools Health … sleep apnea. You can also try oral breathing devices or nasal devices. If your tonsils or other tissues are blocking … use it, your symptoms will return right away. Oral and nasal breathing devices Oral devices (also called oral …
Health topics
… replacement products (patches, gum, lozenges, mouth spray, and inhalers) can increase your chances of quitting … a puff of nicotine vapour into your mouth and throat. Mouth spray releases a mist that contains nicotine. You can buy nicotine gum, patches, inhalers, mouth spray, and lozenges without a prescription. You may be able …
Health topics
… injury. They include insecticides, herbicides, and ethylene glycol. Acute Kidney Injury Acute Kidney … injury. They include insecticides, herbicides, and ethylene glycol. Acute Kidney Injury Acute Kidney …
Health topics
… butane lighters, whipping cream aerosols (whippets), spray paints, hair or deodorant sprays, vegetable oil sprays, and fabric protector sprays. Nitrites (such as a …