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Health topics
… to resume a normal activity level than if you are older or have other medical conditions. Your recovery will take at … naps during the day. Have sore or tight muscles in your shoulders and upper back. You were in the same position … options to get out of the house and clear your head. You should be aware that these feelings of depression are common …
Health topics
… How is it diagnosed? If your doctor thinks that you may have an enterovirus D68 (EV-D68) infection, you will get a … some time to get the results. You may get treated before a test is done or before you know the results. How is an … won't help. If you are having trouble breathing or have severe symptoms, you may need to be treated in the …
Health topics
… separate from other people. This may be done because you have an infection that can be spread to others or because … to wash his or her hands thoroughly. You may be allowed to have visitors. But all visitors and hospital workers must … at all times. You may need to stay in your room, except for tests or procedures that can't be done in your room. Related …
Health topics
… that are sending pain signals to your brain. You will have a test that uses a nerve block , which numbs specific nerves, … that are causing your pain. During the procedure, you may have X-rays to pinpoint where to put the medical tool that …
Health topics
… seat use. Use the Universal Anchorage System (UAS) if you have it in your car. This feature allows parents to secure … 3: Booster seats Use a booster seat with a regular lap and shoulder belt for children who have outgrown their … seats. Booster seats raise the child up so that the lap and shoulder seat belts fit properly. Adjust the shoulder belt …
Health topics
… between 6 and 12 months of age, and now you probably have regular appointments set up. If for some reason your … to brush his or her own teeth at about 3 years of age and should be brushing his or her own teeth, morning and night, by age 4. You should still supervise and check for proper cleaning. Give …
Health topics
… medical and physical assessments Order and interpret tests, such as medical imaging and bloodwork Diagnose … when a provider becomes available. Some communities also have nurse practitioner led primary care clinics. Learn more …
Health topics
… Overview Some people who have hypertrophic cardiomyopathy are at high risk for sudden … To find out your risk of sudden death, your doctor will do tests and ask you about your health and family history. Your doctor might check to see if you: footnote 2 Have had cardiac arrest or ventricular tachycardia in the …
Health topics
… blood from the body. Regular phlebotomy treats people who have too much iron in their blood, such as with … prevent dizziness or fainting. Health professionals will have you sit or lie down. During the procedure, they monitor … There is very little chance of having a problem from this test. When a blood sample is taken, a small bruise may form …
Health topics
… quit smoking? Take a moment to fill out the smoker's self-test. Be honest when you answer the questions. You may discover that you have more good reasons to quit than to continue using … _____I am concerned about the negative effects smoking may have on my sex life. _____I worry that smoking may shorten …