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Health topics
… Intussusception means that one part of the intestine has folded into itself , like a telescope. This can … begin suddenly. Your child may: Act fussy. Vomit often. Have severe belly pain and cramping that last from 1 to 5 … but another period of pain may start 5 to 30 minutes later. Have diarrhea or stools that contain blood or mucus. Have a …
Health topics
… be a stem cell donor, a blood sample is taken from you and tested for tissue type. It's then compared with the tissue … If you are chosen as a stem cell donor, you will have a complete physical examination. You will also be asked … of diseases. And you'll be asked to sign a consent form to have the procedure. How it's done Collecting or harvesting …
Health topics
… start within a week after the bite. Some people also have a headache, muscle pain, swollen joints, or a rash. … are transmitted by the same species of mosquito and may have similar symptoms.  How is it diagnosed? Your doctor … and any recent travel. The doctor may order a blood test to confirm that you have chikungunya fever. How is …
Health topics
… Vacuum devices may block ejaculation. You can still have an orgasm but may not ejaculate (release semen). Some … is not needed to buy these devices. They are reusable and should be cleaned after each use. Why It Is Done Most people … is not needed to buy these devices. They are reusable and should be cleaned after each use. Why It Is Done Most people …
Health topics
… urine. You may be awake during the procedure. Or you may have medicine to make you sleep. In either case, you will … may have a burning feeling when you urinate. This feeling should go away within a day. Drinking a lot of water can … may have a burning feeling when you urinate. This feeling should go away within a day. Drinking a lot of water can …
Health topics
… to do an activity. Over time, the amount of effort it takes should decrease. Once you’ve reached this point, you can … 10   Light effort. 11 Fairly light Still feels like you have enough energy to continue exercising. 12 Somewhat hard … needed. 17 Very hard You can still go on but you really have to push yourself. It feels very heavy and you’re very …
Health topics
… No one is immune to having a back injury. Whether you have a strong back or have hurt your back before, it is well … back while lifting : Keep a wide base of support. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart, with one foot slightly ahead of the …
Health topics
… Overtraining usually occurs when the body does not have enough time to recover from the stress of intense … for you, talk with your coach about your goals. Your coach should want your best performance. That can't happen if you … for you, talk with your coach about your goals. Your coach should want your best performance. That can't happen if you …
Health topics
… body needs the right amount to stay healthy and work as it should. You can use the list below to help you make choices about which foods to eat. The foods in this list have less than 200 milligrams (mg) of potassium per serving. … body needs the right amount to stay healthy and work as it should. You can use the list below to help you make choices …
Health topics
… afternoon, or Saturday may be the best time, as you may not have to worry about missing school or work. Listen to music. … the sound of a drill bothers you, ask your dentist if they have music and headphones. If not, bring your own audio … Basic Dental Care Pediatric Preparation for Medical Tests Stress Relief and Relaxation Tooth Decay …