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Health topics
… to do Recommendations for: Adults and older children who have reached puberty Young children until the age of puberty … hands as you would for an adult. Use two fingers. How fast should you do compressions? Do at least 100 compressions per … per minute (between 1 and 2 per second). How far down should you press the chest? Press the chest down at least 2 …
Health topics
… such as interferon beta. Other types of treatment should not replace these medicines if you are a candidate for treatment with them. Some people who have MS report that alternative treatments have worked for … such as interferon beta. Other types of treatment should not replace these medicines if you are a candidate …
Health topics
… is a large vein that forms in one or both testicles. The blood builds up, or pools. This makes the … medicine is prescribed for a few days after surgery. You should be able to resume light work duties 1 to 2 days after … is typically done to improve the fertility of men who have both a varicocele and impaired sperm. How Well It Works …
Health topics
… and stools with blood or mucus. These symptoms mean you have serious diarrhea, which is more likely to lead to … spoon. Continue breastfeeding normally. Bottle-fed babies should continue their usual formula. Feed your child … trip and instructions on when to use them just in case you should develop diarrhea. Other information sources Health …
Health topics
… on your affected side, you may be more likely to get burns. Shoulder problems. If you have poor muscle tone in an arm, you may be at risk for … to cut. Avoid burns. Bathe and do dishes in lukewarm water. Test the temperature of bath water or dishwater using your …
Health topics
… who are at high risk. This can happen even if you don't have symptoms. So getting the vaccine can help save lives. … community thrive. When you are fully vaccinated, if you have certain health conditions or COVID-19 is spreading in … to millions of people. Scientists made sure the vaccine was tested for many people of different ages, races, and …
Health topics
… to put an alarm outside sleeping areas and inside bedrooms. Test all smoke alarms monthly. Change the batteries at least … hazardous materials may be stored or used. Make sure to have multipurpose extinguishers that are labelled with … Use caution with space heaters, wood stoves, and furnaces. Have equipment installed properly. Get it inspected often. …
Health topics
… all times. Eat some at the first sign of low blood sugar. Test your blood sugar often so you do not have to guess when it is low. Teach your friends and … all times. If you are at home, you most likely will already have something close at hand that contains sugar, such as …
Health topics
… may be able to do this yourself for minor wounds. You'll have to stop any bleeding, clean the wound, and perhaps … a tetanus shot, or stitches. Most wounds that need stitches should be treated within 6 to 8 hours after the injury to … a doctor checks the wound. Most cuts that need treatment should be stitched, stapled, or closed with skin adhesive …
Health topics
… bites, burns, or cuts. Children may get impetigo after they have had a cold or allergies that have made the skin under the nose raw. But impetigo can also … signs of illness, your doctor may order blood or urine tests. How is impetigo treated? Impetigo is treated with …