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Health topics
… to get under the water, don't force them. Encourage them to have a sink bath instead. Preparing for a shower When you … if they need it. Remember to use the back of your hand to test the water to make sure it's not too hot or cold. You … the stomach. Also, look at bony areas, like the elbows and shoulders. If you see any redness, do not rub or massage the …
Health topics
… total calories come from fats. And most of these calories should come from healthy fats such as vegetable oils, nuts, and fish. Very few calories should come from saturated fat, which is found in animal … and instant soups, packaged mixes, and snack items, don't have enough calcium, potassium, and magnesium—the very …
Health topics
… health All pets, whether they are kept indoors or outside, should be in good health, show no signs of disease, and be … reduce aggressive behaviour. Train and prepare dogs If you have a dog, train and prepare it for contact with children. … health All pets, whether they are kept indoors or outside, should be in good health, show no signs of disease, and be …
Health topics
… you may be able to do. Share your tobacco history. If you have never used tobacco, tell the person that you have heard … from the attempt. Are there any triggers to look out for? Should the person try phone counselling, medicine, or … from the attempt. Are there any triggers to look out for? Should the person try phone counselling, medicine, or …
Health topics
… eat is an important part of planning healthy meals when you have diabetes. Carbs raise blood sugar more than any other … your child's meals and snacks. High-sugar foods or sweets should be eaten only sometimes and in smaller servings than … your child's meals and snacks. High-sugar foods or sweets should be eaten only sometimes and in smaller servings than …
Health topics
… is the time to talk to your doctor about any plans you have to breastfeed both an older child and your newborn . … help you anticipate and manage breastfeeding difficulties, should they arise. Talk to friends and family members about … help you anticipate and manage breastfeeding difficulties, should they arise. Talk to friends and family members about …
Health topics
… other equipment. When the bacteria spreads to patients who have been on certain antibiotics, it can cause serious … family, and other people with whom you are in close contact should wash their hands often, especially after changing a … family, and other people with whom you are in close contact should wash their hands often, especially after changing a …
Health topics
… And it might be harder to move your knee. You may also have bruising and an unstable feeling, like the knee may … are no other injuries above or below the knee. You may have some tests, such as an X-ray or an MRI . How is a PCL injury …
Health topics
… the daily meal plan. Falsify or lie about blood sugar test results. Hide or deny the disease when they're around … levels are likely to occur at times. So your teen needs to have at least one friend who knows what to do in case of an … Get support for your teen. It may be a good idea to have a mental health professional, such as a counsellor, …
Health topics
… to the treated area. Bovine collagen. You need an allergy test 4 weeks before treatment. Fat cells harvested from your … filler, and your body's reaction to the filler, you might have one or more repeat injections. Different fillers last … complications include: Infection. Call your doctor if you have new redness, swelling, or pain after the first day. You …