3586 results found
Health topics
… diplegia). It is usually not advised for people who have permanently stiff joints ( contractures ), little … or problems with balance. How Well It Works Some children have less muscle tightness (spasticity) and are able to move … body, such as bowel and bladder control or the ability to have sex. In rare cases, problems such as strange sensations …
Health topics
… month. It includes: The day you ovulate . This is when you have the best chance of becoming pregnant. (A human egg … to fertilize it. If you want to become pregnant, try to have sex every day or every other day from your first … month. It includes: The day you ovulate . This is when you have the best chance of becoming pregnant. (A human egg …
Health topics
… smoking triggers . It is wiser to avoid triggers after you have quit smoking than to tempt yourself too soon. If you … where you are least likely to smoke, and use them when you have the urge to smoke. Add these alternatives to your … months, 6 months, and 1 year. Figure out how much money you have saved by not smoking, and spend that amount, or part of …
Health topics
… steady job. It is not unusual for a parent to discover they have ADHD when their child is diagnosed with the disorder. … them to deal with stress. These adults may overreact and have a short, quick temper. The ability to solve problems. Adults who have a hard time waiting for things they want may act before …
Health topics
… Hemorrhoids are swollen veins at the end of the large intestine (anus). They are often external. This means they … by mild irritation of the rectum. This can happen if you have to strain hard to pass a stool or if you have a hemorrhoid. If there is a lot of blood in the stool, …
Health topics
… to help heal your eczema (atopic dermatitis) rash if you have skin infections caused by staph ( Staphylococcus aureus … mL) of liquid bleach. If your bathtub is small, or if you have less than 150 L (40 gal) of water, use less bleach. Too … cause burning or stinging. Do not use bleach baths if you have an allergy to chlorine. Don't put your head under the …
Health topics
… Physical development Children in this age group: Often have a growth spurt , starting at about age 11 in girls and … they're starting to understand that what they do now can have long-term effects on them. May be self-centred and can … or on their own rather than with family members. May have periods when they are sullen and aloof. May look to …
Health topics
… What may cause symptom changes in one person may not have the same effect on someone else. How can you avoid … your weight. Call your doctor or nurse advice line if you have a sudden weight gain, such as more than 1 to 1.3 kg (2 … than usual. Note anything that you ate or did that could have triggered these changes. Limit sodium Sodium causes …
Health topics
… his or her wishes. What end-of-life goals does he or she have? How do these goals compare with yours? If your loved … home, where you can help provide care. What concerns do you have about caring for your loved one at home? You may be hesitant to have your loved one die at home because you are concerned …
Health topics
… risk is higher when people who had childhood trauma also have problems coping with anxiety or stress. What are the … problems with emotions or behaviours sometimes. But if you have borderline personality disorder, the problems are … overlap. So if you think that you or someone you know may have borderline personality disorder, see a doctor. Don't …