3980 results found
Health topics
… the incubation period. What are the symptoms? At first your child may feel tired, get a sore throat, or have a … hands, feet, and sometimes the buttocks. In some cases a skin rash may appear before the blisters do. The blisters … even realize it. How is it diagnosed? A doctor can tell if your child has hand-foot-and-mouth disease by the symptoms …
Health topics
… Overview Overview In the first month, your doctor will pay close attention to your baby's increasing weight, length, and head … it. Don't worry if your baby develops bald spots. Mild skin conditions. Many babies get small pimples on the face. …
Health topics
… bowel obstruction? A bowel obstruction happens when either your small or large intestine is partly or completely … partly blocked, you may have diarrhea. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms, … and the remaining part is sewn to an opening in the skin. Stool passes out of the body through the opening and …
Health topics
… a stroke can occur. If you have this buildup in one of your arteries, there's a good chance that you have it in other blood vessels throughout your body. What problems can it cause? Atherosclerosis can … lining. It's similar to how the body heals a cut on the skin by forming a blood clot to seal the area. A blood clot …
Health topics
… exercises early, before the cast or boot comes off. Your total recovery time will probably be as long as 6 … of people having the surgeries differ. The success of your surgery can depend on: Your surgeon's experience. The … Risks The risks of Achilles tendon surgery include: Skin infection at the incision site. Normal complications of …
Health topics
… quit breastfeeding altogether. But you can keep nursing your baby. In fact, breastfeeding usually helps to clear up infection. Nursing won't harm your baby. Mastitis can be discouraging and painful. But it … the bacteria that are causing the abscess. Learn more Skin and Wound Cultures Breast Ultrasound Treatment Overview …
Health topics
… on the right side of the belly, under the rib cage (where your liver is). Yellow skin (jaundice), dark urine, and clay-coloured stool. Sore muscles. Fever. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask questions about your symptoms and where …
Health topics
… A ventricular assist device (VAD) helps pump blood from your heart to the rest of your body. It's used when your heart is not able to pump … comes out of your belly through a small cut in your skin called an exit site. Your doctor may recommend that you …
Health topics
… to move the legs. Sweating. Nausea. Fainting. Pale skin. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms, medical history, lifestyle, and family …
Health topics
… may include: Tiredness. Nausea. Diarrhea. Yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice). Vomiting. Symptoms usually last … not lead to long-term liver problems. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask questions about your symptoms and where you have eaten or travelled. You may …