3980 results found
Health topics
… is a measure of how hard blood pushes against the walls of your arteries as it moves through your body. Low blood pressure means that your blood pressure … weak. Being confused. Being tired. Having cold, clammy skin. Breathing very fast. Having a fast heartbeat. If you …
Health topics
… general. So be sure to read the information that came with your medicine. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your pharmacist or doctor. What are some examples? Here are … side effects? Side effects can include: Nausea. Diarrhea. Skin rash. Yeast infection. A severe allergic reaction. It …
Health topics
… general. So be sure to read the information that came with your medicine. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your pharmacist or doctor. What are some examples? Here are … medicine, some people feel sick to their stomach or get a skin rash. Other side effects include flu-like symptoms and …
Health topics
… be an ongoing problem. It occurs when the level of sugar in your blood drops too low to give your body energy. What causes hypoglycemia in people who … nervous. Your heart may beat fast. You may sweat. Or your skin might turn cold and clammy. Moderate hypoglycemia often …
Health topics
… of the hip (DDH) is not known. But some things can raise your child's chances of having it, including: Having a … Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) isn't painful, and your baby may not have any obvious signs of a hip defect. … One leg that seems shorter than the other. Extra folds of skin on the inside of the thighs. A hip joint that moves …
Health topics
… lice and their eggs (called nits). But you can also check your child's scalp for lice and nits. To check for lice, use … can look like dandruff. But you can't pick them off with your fingernail or brush them away. Live lice are tan to … if it makes you or your child feel better. Sometimes the skin itches for a week or more after treatment. How can you …
Health topics
… Valley fever is a disease caused by a fungus that gets into your body through your lungs. It can make you feel like you have a cold or … period . In rare cases, valley fever can spread to the skin, bones, lymph nodes , and organs. It can lead to …
Health topics
… by sexually transmitted infections (STIs) . You can lower your risk of STIs by using a condom when you have sex. What … Injuries Swollen Glands, Hernias, and Other Lumps Under the Skin Vaginal Yeast Infections Current as of: August … Medicine Kathleen Romito MD - Family Medicine Femi Olatunbosun MB, FRCSC - Obstetrics and Gynecology Current as of: …
Health topics
… purpose. For example, they may cut, scratch, or bite their skin until it bleeds. Self-injury is serious. So it's … Medicines are sometimes used with counselling. Ask your doctor about the different types of treatment. Then you … together about what might work best. How can you care for yourself? Here are some ways you can care for yourself if …
Health topics
… someone you know might be a victim of elder abuse, talk to your doctor. Ask the doctor what to look for, what the risks … is available. To report elder abuse or to get help, contact your provincial health authority. Bruises and Blood Spots Under the Skin Domestic Abuse Domestic Violence Physical Abuse …