3980 results found
Health topics
… help, and memorize the phone number. Be careful online too. Your online activity may be seen by others. Do not use your personal computer or device to read about this topic. … partner violence—can take many forms. It can affect your mind and emotions, or it can be physical or dangerous …
Health topics
… leaks slowly or gushes out. You may hear it called "having your water break." When this happens before contractions … rupture of membranes (pPROM). What are the symptoms? When your water breaks, it often feels like a large gush of … Review: JoLynn Montgomery PA - Family Medicine Femi Olatunbosun MB, FRCSC - Obstetrics and Gynecology Current as of: …
Health topics
… —fats and fatty substances used as a source of energy by your body. Lipids include cholesterol , triglycerides , … to HDL. The ratio of LDL to HDL. Lipids are found in your blood and are stored in tissues. They are an important part of cells, and they help keep your body working normally. Lipid disorders , such as high …
Health topics
… is the core belief people have about themselves. Your self-esteem is reflected in your actions, both in how as well as what you do. Although … a lifelong process, but it can help you feel better about yourself and your life. Healthy self-esteem can help you …
Health topics
… Each woman's experience is different. Together, you and your partner can connect emotionally and physically by … bleeding and intercourse is not painful or uncomfortable. Your body needs time to heal after childbirth. This can take … it's different for each woman. Lack of energy. Exhaustion, your baby's demands, and recovery from childbirth may make …
Health topics
… you can also use cup-feeding instead of bottle-feeding if your baby needs supplementation for a few days. Many babies … breastfeeding or bottle-feeding isn't possible. To cup-feed your baby, you want your baby to slurp or sip the milk. Do not pour the milk …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview If your child has epilepsy , there are many ways to lower his … pads on cribs and beds, and use padded side rails on your older child's bed. But don't use sleep positioners, … attach to crib sides or slats. They could trap or suffocate your baby. Use car seats and seat belts, and have your child …
Health topics
… symptoms, such as vaginal discharge or itching, talk with your doctor about your symptoms before using home treatment measures or … transmitted infections (STIs) . BV or an STI can affect your pregnancy, so be sure to talk with your doctor and get …
Health topics
… Works On this page: Overview Overview Your heart is divided into two separate pumping systems, the right side and the left side. The right side of your heart receives oxygen-poor blood from your veins and pumps it to your lungs, where it picks up …
Health topics
… too much bleeding, which can be dangerous for both you and your baby. The placenta may separate too early from the wall … likely to have it if you: Have had a surgery that affected your uterus, such as a D&C or surgery to remove uterine … These include regular contractions and aches or pains in your lower back or belly. How is it diagnosed? Most cases of …