662 results found
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… in one of these genes makes you much more likely to get breast, ovarian, and some other cancers. BRCA (say "BRAH-kuh") stands for "BReast CAncer." BRCA gene changes aren't common. Your doctor … you questions, such as if you have family members who had breast or ovarian cancer, if you were diagnosed with breast …
Health topics
… baby before or during delivery. It isn't spread through breast milk, sharing food or drink, or casual contact like hugging. … safe for the baby. You will probably be treated after breastfeeding is done (or after delivery if you don't …
Health topics
… precautions also apply to other body fluids, including breast milk, semen, rectal and vaginal fluids, and fluid that … precautions also apply to other body fluids, including breast milk, semen, rectal and vaginal fluids, and fluid …
Health topics
… diets. Lacto-ovo vegetarian. This type of diet includes milk products (such as milk, cheese, and yogurt) and eggs. … about whether or not your child needs an iron supplement. Breastfed babies of vegan mothers need vitamin B12 … if the mother's diet isn't fortified. footnote 2 Breastfed babies need 400 IU of vitamin D each day from a …
Health topics
… heart and heart arteries and can show how well the heart is pumping. Having your child go through this testing can be … Poor weight gain. When most of a baby's energy is spent pumping blood to the body, little is left for eating and … heart and heart arteries and can show how well the heart is pumping. Having your child go through this testing can be …
Health topics
Health topics
… sauce; large amounts in processed foods; small amounts in milk, breads, vegetables, and unprocessed meats. Calcium … for nerve functioning, blood clotting, blood pressure. Milk and milk products; canned fish with bones (salmon, sardines); …
Health topics
… Cereal with half-and-half. High-calorie drinks like whole milk, milkshakes, and nutritional supplements, such as nutrition … Be sure to cook the food after adding the egg. Add powdered milk to creamed soups, scrambled eggs, pudding, potatoes, …
Health topics
… Gynecomastia is the overdevelopment of the male breast. A breast has both glandular tissue and fatty tissue. With gynecomastia, the glands in the breast become enlarged. The enlarged glands may feel like a …
Health topics