3979 results found
Health topics
… hyperthyroidism with radioactive iodine does not increase your chances of getting thyroid cancer. What To Expect Most … few days after treatment, the radioactive iodine will leave your body in your urine and saliva. How long it takes will depend on your …
Health topics
… be an ongoing problem. It occurs when the level of sugar in your blood drops too low to give your body energy. What causes hypoglycemia in people who … can treat a sudden episode of low blood sugar by eating or drinking something with sugar in it. Some examples of …
Health topics
… can expect. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your doctor. The more you know, the better prepared you'll … in the recent past may become mixed with memories from your distant past. You may remember events from years long … what happened even an hour earlier. Facing the end of your life may also cause you to confront your own spiritual …
Health topics
… 12 months of life. Between 12 and 24 months of age, expect your child to gain about 1.4 kg (3 lb) to 2.3 kg (5 lb) , … the top of the head.) Are starting to lose the "baby" look. Your child, who is now in fast motion much of the time, gradually adopts a leaner frame. Your child's head is still large in proportion to the rest …
Health topics
… After a major loss, you may feel insecure due to changes in your finances, family relationships, and support systems. It … new decisions, understand information, and take care of your personal duties. You may feel out of control. And you … using substances to avoid emotions and thoughts, such as drinking more alcohol than you normally do. You have been …
Health topics
… for around 6 months or more. How are they diagnosed? Your doctor will ask questions about your symptoms, including how long you've had them. They will … treatment is important. Alcohol: Drinking and Your Health Anxiety Depression Depression in …
Health topics
… Information Overview There are many ways to help your baby who is teething . You can help relieve discomfort by offering your baby safe objects to chew or suck on. Teething rings, … peaches, or yogurt. You can also dip a clean face cloth in water, freeze it, and let your baby chew on it. …
Health topics
… infection is. If the infection is: In a wound, that area of your skin may be red or tender. On your skin, you may get a red, tender boil or abscess. You … hygiene. Wash your hands often with soap and clean, running water. You can also use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. …
Health topics
… have fun and stay safe. Bundle up and take the dog (or just yourself) for a walk. Rake leaves or do other yard work. Try … Shovel snow. Be safe while you're active outside. Try to do your walking and other activities when it's light out. If … Layers of clothing. Layering will help keep you warm. Wear waterproof outer layers to keep you dry. Clothing made of …
Health topics
… person's blood. Before you try to stop the bleeding : Wash your hands well with soap and water, if available. Put on medical gloves, if available, … of fabric, plastic bags, or whatever you have between your hands and the wound. Have the person hold his or her …