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Health topics
… of asthma can vary, and asthma often requires changes in your treatment to control it. To ensure that you are getting … monitor and evaluate the disease and communicate with your doctor. Symptoms Know the symptoms of poorly controlled … plan) will give you guidelines for increasing medicine if your or your child's asthma starts to get out of control. …
Health topics
… it's important to wear shoes that fit well and protect your feet. Here are some tips for choosing shoes. Choose … well. To ensure a good fit: Buy shoes in the evening when your feet are more likely to be swollen. This will give you … are made of materials that are flexible and don't make your feet sweat. Soft leather is a good choice. Athletic …
Health topics
… symptoms? If you have a Jones fracture, the outer side of your foot may be painful, swollen, and tender. Your foot may look bruised, and you may have trouble … walking. How is it diagnosed? The doctor will examine your foot and ask about your symptoms and past health. The …
Health topics
… is endurance fitness. This is any activity that uses your body’s large muscle groups and helps you have a … activities. Be sure to choose exercises that are right for your health, medical condition, fitness level, and fitness … to a moderate level of intensity. This means raising your heart rate and causing you to sweat and breathe more …
Health topics
… women will develop it. This form of depression can affect your health, the health of your developing baby, and your ability to take care of yourself and your baby after …
Health topics
… what the shots and blood sugar meters are for. You can help your child by working with the doctor or diabetes educator … to create a diabetes care plan for school. And you can keep your child's teachers, coaches, and other school staff … that includes information the school staff needs to keep your child safe. The goal is to meet your child's daily …
Health topics
… also known as "wryneck," is a condition in which your baby's head is tilted. The chin points to one shoulder, … the opposite shoulder. Treatment is necessary to prevent your baby's face and skull from growing unevenly and to … when the neck muscle that runs up and toward the back of your baby's neck (sternocleidomastoid muscle) is shortened. …
Health topics
… Taking Care of Yourself When You Have a Child With Physical, Emotional, or … problems can be exhausting. Try to take good care of your own physical and emotional health. Doing so will help provide you with needed energy to care for your child with special needs. Here are some tips for taking …
Health topics
… general. So be sure to read the information that came with your medicine. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your pharmacist or doctor. What are some examples? Examples … and proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) lower the amount of acid your stomach makes. They don't work on the acid that's …
Health topics
… arms during a crash. For every ride in a car, make sure your child is securely strapped into a car seat. Make sure … the guidelines and instructions provided by the maker of your car seat. Car seat requirements Infant and child car … Use the Universal Anchorage System (UAS) if you have it in your car. This feature allows parents to secure the car seat …