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Health topics
… progress, you may be able to do some of the exercises on your own. If you are concerned about falling, always have … you begin to fall, you may use them for support. Stand with your feet slightly apart (as you normally stand) and your arms at your side. Turn one half-circle (180 degrees). …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview Before taking your child to a doctor for breath-holding spells , write … typically happens. These descriptions will help you to give your child's doctor accurate information to make an initial … questions in mind: What situations occur just before your child has a breath-holding spell? During a spell, does …
Health topics
… or double vision or even loss of vision. What causes it? Your doctor may not know what caused this problem with your eye. In some cases, a virus infects the optic nerve . … vision, usually in one eye. You may have pain when you move your eye. When vision loss is partial, you may have: Loss of …
Health topics
… Started Getting Started Do you feel a little lost on your journey toward purpose? If so, this may be a good time to pause. It may help to remind yourself that purpose doesn't need to find you. You can find … of it as something that matters to others as well as to yourself. Here are a few steps you can try to find purpose. …
Health topics
… of having sex because of back pain can be a big problem. If your sex life has suffered because of back pain, take heart. … And there are steps you can take to deal with it. Talk to your doctor. This can be hard, because some people are … to find out which sexual positions may be good or bad for your back. Some back problems cause pain when you bend …
Health topics
… that information can also be overwhelming. It can disrupt your day. And it's easy to develop habits you didn't mean … tips for using social media and news in a healthy way. Know your goal. Maybe you want to use social media to stay up-to-date on events in your community. If so, use it only for that. Log off when …
Health topics
… You don't need a recipe to build healthy meals. Let your tastes and time be your guide. Here are a few ideas to get you started. Think … meal. Mix and match the food groups for more variety on your plate. Break your meal into parts. Think of your plate …
Health topics
… never too late to quit smoking. No matter when you quit, your health will improve. People who quit smoking reduce … disease. You may also feel better and will probably find your own personal benefits as well. Your sense of taste and sense of smell may improve. Your
Health topics
… Overview An asthma action plan is based on zones defined by your symptoms, your peak flow , or both. It tells you what to do if you have a sudden increase in your asthma symptoms ( asthma attack ). You are in the red …
Health topics
… , you will need regular examinations to assess whether your condition is becoming more severe. Your examinations may include: Measurement of your blood pressure while lying down on your left side, …