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Health topics
… asthma symptoms reduces the risk of future asthma attacks. Your asthma is well controlled if you: Have daytime asthma … 2 days a week or less. Don't wake up at night because of your asthma more than 1 time a week. Use a quick-relief … inhaler 2 days a week or less. This does not include using your inhaler before exercise to prevent symptoms. Can …
Health topics
… The hospital (inpatient) program is one part, or phase, of your cardiac rehab. This phase emphasizes exercise and … may include: A customized exercise program, based on your medical history, clinical condition, and symptoms. … Education on a heart-healthy lifestyle and how to lower your risk of future heart problems. Ways to help your body …
Health topics
… Symptoms of intussusception usually begin suddenly. Your child may: Act fussy. Vomit often. Have severe belly … pain and cramping that last from 1 to 5 minutes. Afterward, your child may seem normal, but another period of pain may … that contain blood or mucus. Have a swollen, painful belly. Your child may have a lump in the upper right side of the …
Health topics
… pale, tingle, and feel cool or numb. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor can usually diagnose a broken collarbone by asking you questions and examining you. Your doctor will check: The affected area and look for a lump or bump. Blood flow, by taking your pulse and checking your skin colour and temperature. …
Health topics
… Overview Peritoneal dialysis uses a membrane inside your body ( peritoneal membrane ) as a filter. It clears wastes and extra fluid from your body and works to return electrolyte levels to normal. … , you don't need to travel to a dialysis centre for your treatment. Instead, after being trained at a dialysis …
Health topics
… Overview Overview Here are ways to help your family member take the medicines: Talk about medicines … example, point out the reasons to take medication. Say, "Your medicines help quiet the voices you hear," or "Your medicines help you study and keep your grades up." Link …
Health topics
… cause symptoms. You will probably feel fine, even if your blood pressure is too high. You may not know you have … blood pressure. That's why it's important to go to all of your prenatal checkups and get your blood pressure checked. If you have chronic high blood …
Health topics
… if you stop taking the medicine or take a smaller dose, your headache will go away. If you suspect your headache is caused by a prescription medicine, talk with your doctor about your side effects. Do not stop taking the …
Health topics
… Overview An A1c test is a blood test that checks your average blood sugar level over the past 2 to 3 months. … If you have diabetes, this test is done to check how well your diabetes has been managed over the past 2 to 3 months. Your doctor can use this information to adjust your
Health topics
… with concentration and memory can lead to confusion, losing your train of thought, or forgetting or mixing up words or … down. Making a note helps you get a thought more firmly in your mind. You might want to keep a calendar or notebook … Medical treatment for these other problems may also help your memory. Stay active—mind and body. Keep your mind …